Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!
Subtle, isn't it? Dressing up made the day quite enjoyable. In case you're wondering, I made the tail and the horns. The horns were made using polymer clay (Fimo), and attached to my head with a black cord. A lot of people (customers and co-workers alike) wondered how the horns were attached. Unless you stood fairly close to me, you couldn't see the cord. The costume turned out better than I though, especially since I altered my original idea. I had wanted to get a red jacket to wear, with the horns growing out of a hat. But the used clothing store I visited didn't have red jackets or suitable hats, so a black jacket was chosen and I opted to not wear a hat. And oddly, a lot of people (mostly co-workers) commented how the costume was very appropriate. I just can't figure out why.
That's all for today. I do have some tatting to show, but its not Halloween related, so I'll make another post about it soon. Later.

It still is Halloween (here anyways). To be honest with you, I really don't like Halloween. I know I can almost hear the screams of horror from those of you who like the holiday. I guess I outgrew the holiday many years ago. Until today.
My workplace encouraged those of us who had to work today to dress up. And, there was going to be a contest. After some thought I did dress up.
My workplace encouraged those of us who had to work today to dress up. And, there was going to be a contest. After some thought I did dress up.

That's all for today. I do have some tatting to show, but its not Halloween related, so I'll make another post about it soon. Later.