Judging by the title, you'd think I've been busy. Well, you'd be partially right. I have been working on my crochet afghan since my bookmarks for the exchange were mailed. I promised a photo when I last posted. It wasn't easy, but here is a close up of the afghan:

This image is the best one I could come up with. I think I may have to look into a new digital camera. I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but the afghan is called "Colonial Zig-Zag" by Shirley Brown. I'm using Lion Brand Homespun in, wait for it, Colonial! Yes, the pattern name is correct, I didn't change it. The Homespun yarn is really nice to work with, but it has one drawback, it unravels when cut. So you have to knot the ends when you cut it. I am so glad that I decided not to make a fringe on it. Besides requiring nearly a full skein of yarn (I didn't want to buy more than needed), I personally think fringes are kind of "girly" (sorry ladies, don't throw your tatting shuttles at me, unless they are Aero's!).
I have not done much tatting since finishing my bookmarks for the exchange. I have started a pattern by
Ruth Perry, but it won't be done for a few days at least. The main piece of tatting I have been working on is a design I came up with. I really don't want to show it, but I will anyway. I will not, however, tell you what it is supposed to be.

To be honest, "it" would look better if I'd followed the (really nice) diagram I had made. Everything pictured was tatted continuously (which may have been part of the problem). I'll be revisiting this piece again later. I'm sure it will look much better. I have also decided to try one of LadyShuttleMaker's ceramic shuttles. I know, I know. I have mentioned before that I like Aero's and Aero type shuttles, but I keep getting drawn to post type shuttles. Here is my new shuttle:

This is one of Sherry's "Agateware" shuttles. When she first showed it, I knew it HAD to be mine. It is actually not a bad tatting shuttle. I did find that when using fine threads, the shuttle unwinds when let go, but that more of a slight annoyance more than anything.
Finally I have received my bookmark from my first partner Karin from Germany. She sent me a really nice bookmark that she designed herself.

This is a really pretty bookmark. Karin used Coats Eldorado in size 10 colour # 4288. The fringe at the bottom is made from cut really long picots. OK, so fringes aren't always girly. Besides the bookmark Karin sent a cool postcard (as well as something extra).

I've been in a number of exchanges, and this one is certainly one of the best. I sure hope Karin likes the bookmark (and the colours I've used). I'll show the bookmarks I have made once both of my partners have received them. Until next time.