I decided to take a bit of a break from tatting geckos. I really like the look of the tatted pineapple doily that
Umintsuru has been tatting lately. Any of them. In case you are wondering, I haven't really been working on much else lately, except the doily. Apart from some "issues", I'm enjoying tatting this. It's been a while since I've tatted something I don't have to think about. Before I move on, I would like to mention that the motif that I had rewrote the pattern for from the previous post, can be found in the book
The Tatters Treasure Chest edited by Mary Carolyn Waldrep. Here the motif is called Wild Rose. The second motif I rewrote (but haven't tatted yet) is there as well. All patterns are still in long notation. Thanks Stephanie!
I've always liked the many crocheted pineapple designs that are out there. I am pleased that there are a number of designs for tatting. The doily, called Pineapple Heaven is by Doretha Albee. Before I go any further, I should mention that I'm not done yet.

See. This is the first 10 rounds of the doily. I'm actually further along than shown here. I scanned it a few days ago, and I've been working on it since. Like I said, I'm really enjoying tatting the doily except for one little problem. It started to cup. Not severely, but enough that it was a problem. I'm pretty sure it's because I am a rather tight tatter. At least compared to Umintsuru and Ms. Albee. I think if/when I tat this doily again, I'll add a ds or two to the chains that are before and after the "shells" to try to prevent the cupping. I blocked what I had done before posting, and it did help. I think my long picots are a tad too long, but I don't know if that would cause a problem. I'm tatting this doily for my mom, so I used some purple thread. This is Lizbeth size 20 #633.
That's about it for now. I probably going to keep working on the doily until I'm done before going back the finished the last gecko-it's about 1/4 done. My shop's been quiet lately, so unless the sales come flying in, I probably won't work on chainmaille this week. I made up a list a few weeks ago of items I'd like to make (more bracelets, some wallet chains, other things for the guys), but I haven't really looked at it. Till next time.
Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian Tatting Friends!