
Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Monsterpiece Doily, Round 5: Halfway Done

My tatting progress slowed down somewhat last week. That's the main reason I only posted once last week. I really didn't think it was worth posting after adding just one more motif. Hope no one minds too much. I'm not sure if this week will be any better; I have to work tonight and I have a support group meeting tomorrow night. I did get a fair amount tatted though this weekend.

As you can see I've got six motifs finished and I've got six more to go. Well, five and a bit. Hopefully I will have a good start on the next motif before I go. Not much to say here, I'm still enjoying tatting them. I will probably have to find somewhere else to take photos by the next post. Thread stats: the thread for the motif centres is Manuela no. 20 colour #a055. The thread for the clovers is Manuela no. 20 in colour #a022.

If I manage to get a couple motifs tatted by midweek, I'll post again. If not, then I'll probably post again next weekend. Till next time.


  1. Looking good, I know what your mean about posting sometimes I go long spells, but once a week seems good to me.

    1. Thanks. I don't want to get back into the habit of going long periods without posting. I also don't want to post after each motif is added; that might get boring. I hope others don't mind me posting once a week for a while.

  2. Your doily looks wonderful! Great colors!! :)

    1. Thanks! Glad you like the colours. I'm really happy with my choice.

  3. This is looking good! Here's to more tatting time! :-)

    1. Thanks. I certainly hope I can squeeze in more tatting time this week and in the future.
