
Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Monsterpiece Doily, Round 5; Two-thirds Done

I was hoping to get more than two motifs tatted for round 5 of the Monsterpiece Doily last week. Before anyone says anything, I'm not being hard on myself. I'm glad I got some tatting done period. I just would have like to have gotten all six required motifs done. Between general life happenings and other distractions, AKA video games (games on my iPad/phone), I consider myself lucky that I tatted what I did. I hope to at least start anther motif before I go to bed tonight. I plan on taking something to tat to my support group meeting tomorrow. Maybe I can tat for a bit before it starts. We'll see.

Anyway, as I said, I managed to tat another two more motifs for round 5. I now have eight tatted and only four more to go.

I'm starting to look forward to the next round. It's not too early, is it? I'm still enjoying tatting these motifs; I'm not giving up yet! Hopefully in another week or two I'll be done with them, and I'll be able to start the next round. Thread stats: the dusty rose thread is Manuela #20 colour #a022 and the cream/off white thread is Manuela #20 colour #a055.

That's about it for now. Like I said last week, if I get more than one motif finished by midweek, I'll post then, otherwise I'll post next weekend. I honestly don't expect to post midweek. Hallowe'en is on Saturday, and I have to work. I don't normally work Saturdays, so I had nothing planned for a costume this year. I have a few ideas and will be spending a lot of my free time this week working on it. Hopefully I can find a source of affordable fake fur in large quantities...

Till next time.


  1. Looking good, Jeff!

    Happy Hallowe’en. : )

  2. Affordable fake fur?! Are you going as a tatting Bigfoot? ;-)

    Your doily is looking great! Sometimes small achievements mean the most.

    1. You'll see!

      Thanks. They absolutely do. I'm trying not to focus on how large the finished doily will be.

  3. Well I think this will be a big talk at the support group may have to start a tatting club that meets after that. it is looking good and getting passed half way is always great reason to go faster :)

    1. Sadly I didn't have time to tat, but maybe a tatting group could happen. They do have a craft night there once a month.

      Thanks. I don't know if I am going any faster, but I'm trying!

  4. Looking good so far, the colours are beautiful

    1. Thanks. I am happy with my colour selection too.

  5. Looking very pretty. Do you get a stiff neck sometimes from tatting a long time? I do.

    1. Thanks. Not that I notice. I usually only tat for 10-15 minutes at a time before something else catches my attention for a while. I don't think I could tat for long periods of time.

  6. I loved those motif's too. I could take one with me and get quite a bit around before I needed to attach it to the rest. Hang in there it will be worth it.

    1. They are nice and portable. That's the main problem with this doily. It's not going to be very portable pretty soon. I'll have to find something smaller if I want to take some tatting with me. I'm hanging on! I do want to finish the doily.

  7. What a great work!! And pretty color combo too.
