
Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Monsterpiece Doily, Round 5: 3 Motifs and Counting

Now that my special project is over, see here if you missed it, I can continue to share my progress on the Monsterpiece Doily. I've added a few more motifs to the doily since my last post. I'm happy to say that one of the motifs is part of the one I cut off. After coming home from work Monday evening, I looked at the motif and decided to start cutting. I ended up with a little over half a motif and figured out where I can add thread and my strategy for hiding the ends.

Can you tell with one it is? Actually, I hope you can't. While adding the motif to the doily, it felt like I was doing major surgery. It doesn't look as bad as I first thought, and I probably could have fixed my mistake when it happened. It would have been easier, but I'll never know if it would have looked pretty. Thread stats: the thread for the motif centres is Manuela no. 20 colour #a055. The thread for the clovers is Manuela no. 20 in colour #a022. I love tatting these motifs. We'll see if I still do when I get to motif #12.

That's about it for now. It is Thanksgiving tomorrow here in Canada, so Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians. 


  1. First off love the knitting blog and how to is always fun to see. And I hear ya, the "surgeon" stuff if very funny. I know a guy that is a knee surgeon and he was interested in the tatting I was making. I didn't know you were from Canada I should read more. Tatting looks great and love to save a bit of time and work that way.

  2. I can't tell which motif had the surgery, but I have no plans for giving it a close inspection. None of us is perfect, so why should our tatting be perfect? It looks lovely!

  3. You did a good job, I can't tell well done looking really lovely
    Happy thanksgiving

  4. looking great, I found those motifs fun to do too even if I also had to redo one. You give me inspiration to get back working on my big D
