
Saturday, February 6, 2010

No Tatting Post Today

I've been a little unsure whether I should post about "The Incident" but I figured I should do a post anyway. Now, you are probably wondering what "The Incident" is. Let me explain. Well, it all began this past Sunday. I woke up about ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I got up (due to the call of nature, I believe), and noticed how quiet it was in the house. That's when I noticed my computer wasn't running; it was when I went to bed. I went over to the computer and pressed the power button. Nothing. It wouldn't go to the self tests that all computer perform before starting the operating system. My alarm goes off, and I have to get ready for work. [Ten Hour Intermission]

[Resume Story] After work, I began troubleshooting procedures. Several hours later, I was about 95% sure that the problem is a fried CPU (processor). This would be no big deal, except that the CPU model that my motherboard uses isn't made anymore. I'm pretty sure my motherboard can support a few other models, except I can't find the printed manual that came with the motherboard (I think it came with a manual anyway). I know I have a PDF version of the manual, but it's on the computer I'm trying to fix. I figured I could get a manual off the motherboard manufacturers website, however, it seems that they have discontinued their line of motherboards, and don't appear to have the manuals online anymore. So I opted to buy a new motherboard, CPU and memory (since, the memory that my old motherboard uses is an older type that isn't used much now).

As with everything in life, there are both positives and negatives about this unexpected computer upgrade. The positives are obvious. My new machine will have a 3 Ghz Dual Core processor while the old one had a 2.2 GHz Single Core processor. The Dual Core processor in short can process two sets of instructions at the same time while the single core processor can only process one set of instructions. The benefit of Dual Core is only useful if the programs I use can support and can take advantage of this feature. Now for the negatives. First of all, I'm a Windows Guy. Sorry all you Mac users. I have no use for the Macintosh operating system; it's pretty, but that's about it. Anyway, I upgraded to Windows 7 last fall (and I love it, BTW). This major upgrade will almost certainly cause my nicely activated Windows to lose its activation. So I'll probably have to call Microsoft and give them my sob story and hope they allow me to reactivate Windows. This is the only problem I have with Windows, but I understand why they have to do it this way. It is very easy to download a copy of the OS from various online sources.

I'm anxiously tracking my package and I can't wait for it to arrive. It's supposed to be here next Monday, so I have to get through the weekend and of course Monday itself. I'm really hoping I'll be able to get home from work before UPS arrives so I can get my package on Monday. I don't think I'll survive waiting another day. As you can see, I'm not cutoff of the the Internet and computers in general. I am writing this post on my laptop, though it's slow (I think my cell phone has a faster processor), and I have an iPod Touch, which can also browse the web. I'm currently using the iPod for my email, and I was going to write this post on it, but it didn't like Blogger's new post page. With any luck, next week this time (or there abouts) I can post from my newly rebuilt desktop, and if I hadn't said anything no one wouldn't have noticed. I'll post an update to the Windmills doily, and update about my quest to get all four Mary Konior books. Till next time (I hope!).

PS: Sorry for all the technical info contained in this post. I love computers and may get carried away.


  1. Well, I, personally, didn't think your post was overrun with techno-speak. It didn't go over my head. :-)

    Hope you get up and running with no more setbacks or headaches.

    And can't wait to hear about the Windmills doily AND the upate on your Konior book quest!

  2. hey, it's the computers that keep us easily connected! The more we know, the better!
