
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All Systems Go! Plus a Little Tatting

Well, the new motherboard, processor, and memory arrived safely yesterday. After letting them warm up for a while (man, I really hate winter!), I tested, then installed them into my case. After a bit of tweaking, and a few setting changes, my system is up and running. As I expected, the upgrade caused Windows to lose Activation. Since the motherboard contains a large portion of a computers devices, Windows thought it was in a new computer. A quick call fixed the problem. As for an increase in performance, it does seem a little faster (which is expected), however I don't know if having a multi-core processor will make a difference. Though time will tell; I will have to check into some of my installed programs to see if they can take advantage of the dual cores.

Now, I feel kinda bad about not posting anything tatting related last week. I know it was beyond my control, but still. Since I am a fan of Doctor Who, I had to give Anne's TARDIS bookmark a go.

I found it very enjoyable to tat; probably since it is almost entirely rings and split rings. As you may know, I'm working on a doily using a Mary Konior motif that is almost entirely chains. I really like this pattern, though I have a small issue with it. It's size. Done is size 20 thread, my bookmark came out to be a little under 3 inches long and 1 1/4 inches wide. It would be easy to lengthen it by repeating a couple of the rows, but that will ruin the proportions. A tassel or fringe could work, but it may not look right. I had also thought of joining two at the base, kinda like a mirror image. But again it might not look right. Anyway, it's a lovely pattern, and I plan on tatting it again. Thread stats: Lizbeth size 20 in colour #656 Dark Wedgewood. This will be motif #17 of my Third 25 Motif Challenge.

That's all for now. I plan on posting again towards the end of the week, but I figured I'd give y'all a quick update. Till next time.


  1. I like the mirror image idea! Of course, it's hard to go wrong when you've chosen to tat with blue! Love the bookmark!

  2. Your tardis is so neat and time-travel ready!

    Any chance you would consider makeing a few more of these and working them into a doily? Tardis doily! WooT!

  3. Thanks for the comments ladies. I completely agree Diane about tatting with blue!

    That is an awesome idea Isdihara! I may have to try that sometime.

  4. I'm so glad that you are up and running again with your computer, Jeff. There's nothing worse. I recently changed ISP only to find that they did not provide free web space and so I lost my web site for a couple of weeks whilst I found a free web hosting site. Mind you, nothing is ever really free is it? Still had to pay a set-up fee and I have to pay for my name domain....fortunately it is only £10 for 2 years! LOL
