
Monday, August 25, 2008

Motifs For Tally-Ho Clunies or How I Finished the 25 Motif Challenge

I finished two motifs for the "Tally-Ho Clunies" event, which is for the HBT Tatting Olympics. Now, while neither one was difficult, I don't want them not to count towards the 25 Motif Challenge. So, I am going to count them. Here is motif # 25:

This is Mark's (aka Tatman) Hazel's Angel from his book "Tatted Gathering of Angels". It is done in DMC Cordonnet size 20 thread. While I'm not a very religious man, I really like the looks of Mark's angels in his book. I hope to make the 3D one for a few Christmas gifts this year.

Now, that I'm done the Challenge, I can start it again! Here is my first motif of my second 25 Motif Challenge:

This is Monica Hahn's Cluny Medallion from her book "Christmas Angels and Other Tatting Patterns". I used Flora thread in colour number 230, size 20. I have always wanted to make this motif. I am so glad I did, it is a really nice and fairly simple motif. The only thing I might do different is to try to jump from round to round instead of cutting and tying at the end of each round.

Now, I'm sure you're all asking "What about the doily"? I am going to finish it, and it will be one of my motifs for the second time. I can't do one large project at a time. Some days, I think I have the attention span of a four year old. I like chocolate. Um, what are we talking about? OK, I'm kidding, it's not that short, but still. I like to mix small motifs and other interests in between the large projects. I have many "wanna-tats" that I have been putting off so I could work on my doily. This way, I can get some wanna-tats tatted and work on my doily, and have everything count.

Finally, for the plant loving tatters (and visiting non-tatters), here is a picture of my new bonsai:

From what I can tell this is Ficus retusa, or the Banyan or Ginseng Fig. I really like this plant (not too fond of the pot colour, but there were no blue ones), and the fact that it can be grown indoors year round is a big plus. I bought a Juniper bonsai a few years ago, but found out that it needs a cold dormancy that I couldn't provide. It died. That's all for now.


  1. I love the bonsai (the tatting of course but then I cannot do any until I finish my master's project).

  2. The angel and the medallion are both beautiful! I think I'll pull those two books off the shelf and look over the patterns again! Maybe I'll even try tatting them!

  3. Congratulations on completing 25 motifs! Your angel and cluny medallion look very nice. They would make excellent Christmas gifts.
    Clunies are one of those techniques I have yet to try.

  4. Love all those clunies you did. My clunies need alot of work. I think next week I will practice them abit from other tatters that are more experienced with then than me. But I do love what you have done.

  5. Thanks everyone. I'm glad you like the motifs (and the bonsai, Zarina). Clunies aren't that difficult, Marilee, once you get used to having the loom wound on your hand. Since you do weaving already, clunies should be quite simple for you. Thanks again Sherry. I used the Tatting Olympics as an excuse to practice my clunies. I do see an improvement in them now.

  6. Beautiful tatting, as always, Jeff. I too love to bonsai plants, I have a little oak tree in a 3" pot with a stem of about an inch in diameter. Unfortunately this one has to stay outside all year!

  7. Jeff, Your cluny work is very nice. I really like the angel and am going to have to add it to my to do list. I have a bonsai just like this one and have had it for 4 years. It is doing very well and I think you will be happy with it as it matures.

  8. I love the angel and the medallion. I must learn clunys. I have Mark's book and it is lovely. The bonsai is very nice. I hope you will have great success with it.

  9. Hmmmm...I could have sworn I left a comment here earlier this week. Either blogger is having problems or I'm having cerebral flatulence! LOL! I wanted to tell you how nice your clunies turned out. The angel looks nice and I LOVE the round medallion. You made especially nice points on your clunies on the round medallion.

  10. Thanks for the kind comments Linda, Clyde, Laura, and Chiclet. I would love to see pictures of your trees, Linda and Clyde.

    I didn't do anything, honest! Must be Blogger's fault Chiclet. Thanks for the comments on the Medallion. I didn't do anything to it. I didn't even block it.
