
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dragons are Invading Canada!

Well, one dragon anyway (it's still an invasion!). I finally got to make one of Anne Bruvold's Flying Minor Norwegian Dragons. Here it is, done in, wait for it, blue thread (bet you didn't see that coming!):

This is my motif # 2 of my second 25 Motif Challenge. Anyone who has tatted Anne's dragon will see that I made one mistake. I forgot to join the second ring (or third, depending on how you look at it) on the left wing to the body. I didn't notice until I was attaching the second wing. Oh well. I am going to attach this dragon to the weird plastic aida cloth (yeah, I know I said I wasn't going to use it) that the mug came with. I'll join the ring to the body when sewing it on. No one will notice. No one! For this dragon, I used the Altin Basak thread that Sylvia gave me. The thread is colour number 344. I love this pattern. And I love the blue! Thank you Anne for sharing the pattern with us.

I haven't done much tatting lately. I've had a cold for the last few days. I still have it actually, but it's not as bad as it was. I'm also going to be going away for a few day starting Tuesday. So there is a lot of things that have to be done before I go. I also have to work tomorrow, but I'm not complaining. I am planning on getting Sony's ebook Reader, and should have enough by my next paycheck. Then, perhaps I can get some more tatting books and threads. TattingChic is showing off some of her birthday gifts to herself, and a few of the books she got look really interesting.

I recently purchased a ball of Omega thread from Handy Hands (it looked like one that Gina was using that I really liked, but it wasn't the same). I am going to make another dragon with it to go in the mug as well. I'll keep you updated. That's all for now.


  1. I made exactly the same mistake on my dragon Jeff! am going to sew the picots together with a very fine thread and hope it doesn't show. Lovely pattern isn't it.

    Hope you are feeling better and enjoy your break.

  2. I feel so much better, Pamela. I'm glad I'm not alone in making this mistake. I think your dragon will look fine. Isn't that how joins used to be made?

    I'm feeling much better than I have been. Thanks. I'm hoping going away for a few days will help.

  3. I love the shade of blue you used! Our school mascot is the dragon, so I suppose I should tat one of these. I'm just afraid that everyone will want one, and I just don't have enough time!

    I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Your dragon looks nice. I'm interested in hearing more about this French tatting book that you mentioned on my blog that you are eyeing. What is it called? Where is it available? What sort of tatting patterns does it have? (i.e. snowflakes, doilies, hearts,..etc.). Just curious, not that I'm going to run out and buy it! LOL! Heavens no!!! ;)
    Thanks for the mention and happy tatting!

  5. I love the dragon and Gina is right about joining with fine thread. How many times have I done that....... I hope you are feeling much better and that you enjoy your time away.

  6. The dragon looks good and will be neat in the coffee cup.
