
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gifts From The Tatting Goddess

I have finally photographed / scanned the things I received from Gina AKA The Tatting Goddess. I know what you're thinking (again). I finally found the time to do it. Anyway, here is a group shot of most of what I received.

As you can see, I got a nice selection of really cool things. Not pictured are some patterns Gina sent along. The patterns were of the fish she tatted for me, the bookmark, and the rickrack and tatting motifs she featured on her blog and on The Online Tatting Class website.

As you can see, Gina tatted me some fish. The patterns were created by Christel Weidmann and are really realistic. I tried to scan them, but every time I ended up with something red in the scan:

As it turns out, it was Big Red checking out his new fishy friends. I guess he really likes them. I think they are great. Gina sent the fish in a small photo album to keep them safe. Big Red moved in with them.

Gina sent some thread samples for me to try. A few of them I have tried, most are new to me.

I think it should be possible to see the names and sizes of the thread from the photo. I'm going to enjoy trying these. Gina also sent a package of rickrack for me to try the rickrack and tatting motifs.

You may have noticed the Harry Potter tin in the first photo. That is full of treasures. I'll show you:

In the tin was some really good mints (the container is good for storing a shuttle or two), some buttons, a little marker, some more bangles (again, something I have wanted), a little retractable crochet hook that can clip onto a shirt or what have you, some lip balm in a really neat little container, and a little leather and suede treasure pouch kit. I put together the pouch kit the day I got the package.

As you can see in the first photo, the little black box contains a blue painted shuttle.

Gina painted some of the blue on the shuttle, but Snoopy is a decal. It doesn't matter, it is still very pretty. Not sure if I will use it; it's too nice to.

Finally, I get to the bookmark Gina made me.

The bookmark is similar to one Gina got in an exchange. It is based off of an edging pattern. It is really cool. I'm going to have to try this one as well. Gina sent me a Workbasket magazine as well, but I won't scan it. It is my first one. Now I know why everyone who has them likes them so much.

Hopefully I got everything scanned or photographed. Thank you again Gina! I never expected to be a winner in your drawing.

That's it for tonight. Tomorrow, I have one more post to do. This is probably going to be a record for me - posting three days in a row. Later.
Now playing: Corb Lund - I Wanna Be In the Cavalry
via FoxyTunes


  1. What wonderful gifts! You can tell Gina does her homework... lots of blue and fish! Have fun with all your goodies!

  2. What a fabulous treasure trove of gifts! Gina put so much thought into this for you! Thanks for sharing. Now you have a school of fish!

  3. I'm glad Big Red likes his new friends! Wow, between Christmas in July and're all set for months to come!
    :-) Gina

  4. I totally agree Diane and TC. Gina does her homework, and does it well. Thanks again Gina. Big Red is pleased. Now I'm going to have to start using some of the stuff I got from you and Sylvia.
