
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Christmas in July, Doily Update, and a Deformed Flower

Howdy all. As most of you on Here-Be-Tatters know, we opened our packages on July 31st. My partner was Sylvia Free from Wales. Here is a group shot of what I received.

As you can see, I received lots of really cool things. I'll insert close up pictures as needed. First up is a really nice tatted doily done in peach thread and beads. Also tatted, is a little candle frill done in red thread with clear beads.

Also included was a really neat copper shuttle winder made by Sylvia's husband. I think it should work well for some of the post shuttles I have. Not the wooden or ceramic ones however.

Sylvia also sent a bunch of beads, buttons, bells, and holographic sequins for me to play with. There was also a floss bobbin as well as a few hair clips to manage thread from a ball. Really handy.

And bangles. Sylvia also sent some bangles for me to attach tatting to. I am glad she did. I can't imagine myself going shopping for these. I feel awkward sometimes while wandering through the craft department at Wal*Mart as it is, let alone who knows where in order find them.

Sylvia sent me a ball of the most absolutely, most beautiful, everyone must have shade of blue thread that you have ever seen. Unfortunately, I can't capture the true colour of this blue.

As you can see, the thread is Altin Basak. Since I can't get the true colour of this thread, I'll let you seek out a better picture. It is colour number 344. I HAVE to buy more of this thread. Period. I will try scanning a completed item made with this thread when I get to using it. Sylvia mentioned that the thread colour is one that appeared in the Siamese Fighting Fish that her husband used to breed. So, the first project made with this thread has to be one of my bettas.

There was also a round coaster made of real slate from North Wales. It is really cool.

According to Sylvia, the coaster depicts one of the miners at Llechwedd Slate museum in North Wales splitting slate by hand.

Finally, Sylvia sent a package of some really nice hard candies called "Lossin Dant". The name loosely translates to "sweet tooth", and are made near where Sylvia lives. They are really good. Sylvia sent four postcards depicting her home of Penarth, the Welsh flag, and Cardiff (the capital of Wales). I'll scan and post them later.

Thank you again Sylvia. You're an awesome partner and an awesome tatter. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! And thank you Sue for giving me such an awesome partner. Of course, judging from the pictures posted on HBT, there were many, many awesome partners.

Now, new business. I have been working on my doily. Here is a recent progress pic.

It's slowly coming. I am hoping to complete the second round in the next few days. I'll keep you posted.

Finally, my hibiscus recently quit flowering. The last flower it produced, however, was one, um, less than desirable. It was lighter in colour, and looks as if it was two flowers merged together. I think a picture will be good here.

You really can't see the twin flower here, but trust me, that is what it looked like. The plant aborted the flower a few days before it should have opened. I guess the plant knew something was wrong. Pretty weird anyway.

I should mention, that I intend to post tomorrow and Wednesday. I really mean it. I really do. I have a lot to post about. That's all for now.

Now playing: Great Big Sea - Concerning Charlie Horse
via FoxyTunes


  1. Oh all those goodies, it really must feel like Christmas. You are a lucky tatter.
    That blue coloured thread looks awesome, I will look forward to see you do some tatting with it.
    The tatted doily looks really good so far. Keep up the good work.

  2. What wonderful goodies you have to play with! I love that shad of blue... I'll have to check my stash when I get home to see if I have any. The doily is looking wonderful! I'm so glad you love blue too!

  3. A lovely collection of gifts, but oh that blue is divine.
    Pity about the hibiscus, hope the next flowers are ok , the colour is lovely. Will post pictures of mine.

  4. Thanks Dantatter, Diane and Pamela. I am going to have lots of fun working with all the things I got. You have to see the thread in person. I'll keep posting my progress on the doily.

    I'm hoping that my Hibiscus' next flowers will look normal. I'll keep you posted.

  5. You made off with a haul! What a great gift. It looks like you'll be enjoying those goodies for a long time to come.

  6. that's an awesome set!

    Silverdale florist
