
Monday, August 7, 2017

The Monsterpiece Doily: Fini!

I honestly thought I'd never be able to announce the end of the Monsterpiece doily. I was sure I'd run out of the green thread, and couldn't finish round 18. I wound all the thread from the ball onto all the clover bobbins I had since I would need to use two shuttles to tat the final round. I was keeping track of how many repeats I could tat for each shuttle, and my estimates said I would probably run out. I finished tatting the doily this afternoon and didn't run out. I had about 14 inches of thread left. It's shown in the first picture below.

I thought about posting earlier. But I kept tatting. I actually started getting bored with the doily last weekend, and was constantly getting distracted with other things I was finding online. Anyway, I don't want to make this a really long post, just a quick update. Here is the finished doily!

Well,  I guess I should say I'm finished tatting it. I have a lot of ends that need to be trimmed (from joining thread, and ends hidden with magic threads). There is also at least one thread that needs to be sewn in, the result of a forgotten or failed magic thread-not sure which. It should be washed then blocked as well. I can get an accurate measurement then too. I think I have a place for it as well so it won't have to be hidden away. For the most part, I enjoyed tatting this doily. Yes, I had some issues with it. Mostly stupid errors I made and had to fix. I know I made a few mistakes in the final round but due to the thread shortage chose to leave. I would definitely tat another one of Jan's patterns. Probably not this one again.

That's about it for now. I will be moving on to other projects. I started one of Robin's Magic Squares earlier in the year that I need to finish. I would love to try her new Onion Ring Magic Square pattern too. I have a bunch of crochet and knitting patterns queued up. I won't miss working on the Monster Doily!


  1. Mine became a 'love/hate' relationship towards the end too but without the thoughts that I may run out of thread!!! That was a close shave, Jeff!!! It's stunning, though and well worth all the hours of work put into it. Wish I'd chosen more definite colours now but I'm not going down that route again!!!!

  2. A stunning piece of work, truly a master piece. Well done on finishing it and without running out of thread.

  3. Wow- congratulations! It's absolutely stunning, perseverance well worth it. It's amazing!

  4. Fabulous, well done! That's really an achievement.

  5. I'm glad you've finished it. That's a major accomplishment!

  6. It is a stunning piece of tatting which you should be very proud of. Congratulations and I hope you are going to have it on display somewhere so others can admire it, not just us tatting fans!

  7. Congratulations! A stunning piece, I'm waiting the measurement but if I remember well that was with size 20? Wonderful tatting, I also like those colors.

  8. Sensational! I love your choice of colours. Yes, a love-hate thing with this one, and a joy to finally finish. I have loads of small errors in mine. Congrats!😅

  9. Fantastic achievement - wonderful colors! This would be a winner at a Fair, if you can enter one! It MUST be seen!
    Blue ribbon all the way, and Best of Show, too!

  10. Quite well done. 14", eh? Good luck stayed with you on that! You must enter it in the fair. Guaranteed to win. I have mine on a round end table. Problem is, I have 2 of those tables. I don't know if I will make another for it, though. Too many other things I want to work on. Anyway, congratulations on finishing this.
