
Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Monsterpiece Doily, Round16: Working My Way Around

I'll make this quick. I finished tatting round 15 of the Monsterpiece doily a few days ago. I have since started working on round 16.

I'm currently on the fourth scallop, so it shouldn't take me too long to finish tatting this round. As you can see, I'm using one of my new Clover bobbin shuttles. I actually switched to using them on the previous round when I used up all the thread I had prewound on to Aero bobbins and had to refill a few more. I really enjoy tatting with them. I wasn't too sure about the picks as I prefer shuttles with hooks, but with a bit of practice I have gotten pretty good at making joins with the pick. I might have to get a couple more of these shuttles.

Thanks for all the comments on my last post. I really appreciate each and every one. To answer a question, I'm not sure where I will put the doily when it is finished. It will probably be put away until I move into a different place. I do intend on displaying it somewhere. That's it for now.



  1. Oh Jane has got to you first!!! Just wanted to say that the doily is looking great. Interesting comments about using a pick instead of a hook on the end of a shuttle.

  2. Your colors are fabulous, Jeff! You've got me thinking that I may need to tat this one again!

  3. Fabulous piece of tatting and beautiful colours,
    This really will be a master piece of tatting
