
Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Monsterpiece Doily, Round 12 & The Desert Tee

Sorry for the delay in posting, again. Life keeps getting in the way lately. I managed to finish the Egyptian Desert Tee Back before last weekend, and got a good start on round 12 of The Monsterpiece Doily. I got hardly anything done last weekend as I had said would happen. I volunteered at my city's Pride Parade and Community Fair for part of Friday and all day Saturday. Sunday was spent resting. I had an awesome time. I met lots of new people, and I think the experience helped with my anxiety a bit. The whole experience has got me wanting to get out and do more. I spent most of yesterday and today cleaning and de-cluttering, as I seem to have acquired a lot of stuff I don't need anymore that is taking up too much valuable room.

I got a good start on round 12 of the Monsterpiece Doily. It's definitely going much slower now. But that makes sense, so I'll just have to go along with it.

Those scallops really increase the length of the row, don't they? As you can see, I'm 1/5 the way around the doily. It's not too difficult a row to tat, but the stitch counts do take a bit of time to memorize. I can see why Jane E. adjusted the stitch counts and eliminated a lot of extra picots. I find myself referring to my written version many times, just to be safe. Thread stats: Manuela no. 20 colour #a055.

I ended up not stopping knitting when I reached to point to shape the armholes, as I had initially planned. Before I knew it, I had finished it.

In case anyone is wondering, this isn't blocked yet. It will be much wider when it is blocked. The particular pattern I am using, Mistake Stitch, is a rib pattern and is stretchy and form fitting. And the pink yarn seen at the shoulders are just waste yarn stitch holders. I get to do a three-needle bind off to join the front and back together. I haven't started the front yet. I'm going to work on the Monsterpiece Doily for awhile. The yarn is Knit Picks Lindy Chain in the colour "Linen".

That's about it for now. If all goes well, I'm going to keep working on the doily until I finish round 12. Till next time. 


  1. Your Monsterpiece is looking fantastic! I found that I had to break it down in to doable segments so that I could achieve self-imposed goals. Your knitting is coming along great!

  2. The monster is looking terrific. I do admire your skills with the knitting too.

  3. Nice work on all your projects, and you really gotten far too!

  4. Ah yes, I like mistake stitch too.

  5. The Monster-Tat looks superb!

  6. Your doily looks awesome!!!! :)
