
Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Monsterpiece Doily: Round 11, Half Done!

This round is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. Granted, I haven't been working on it exclusively. I have been working on my mom's Mother's Day gift. I've also been playing with some yarn/thread that a coworker gave me. I made several granny squares to see how many I could make per ball. Probably more on that at a later time.

Not really much to say about this round.

I am tired of tatting these short rows. You getting going, then you have to stop. I love Jan's designs but I wish he had some how had all the scallops connected so you didn't have to stop and start all the time. Oh well. I'll just power through them as they are. I'm almost done the sixth scallop. Hopefully I'll have it done tonight. Thread stats: Manuela size 20 in colour #a022.

That's it for now. Hopefully I can get these finished soon. I will keep working on my other projects so I can keep my sanity. Till next time.


  1. This looks so grand and each half round is a big deal this is fun for all to enjoy the progress you have made. I am amazed how you and others go from crochet or knitting to tatting I struggle with that, but did manage to do that with the Beading a little back. I have a tunnel vision this way but still trying to change it.

  2. I love seeing your progress, and I think getting half way around is a big deal!

  3. Looking good so far, it's a big doily so it will take time to tat, lovely to see your progress so far
