
Monday, March 7, 2016

The Monsterpiece Doily: Round 8, Complete!

I finished round 8 of the Monsterpiece Doily today. I would have finished it yesterday but I got called into work Saturday night, so didn't get a chance to work on it then.

Nothing really to say about this round. I tatted it with no major problems. I almost ran out of thread on the shuttles near the end, and had to finger tat the last couple rings and chains. I really enjoyed tatting these last two round. I'm kinda sad to be done tatting them. Thread stats: Manuela no. 20 colour #a044.

I've written up and began tatting round 9. I might keep tatting just to get the round finished. As those of you familiar with the pattern know, round 10 is where the scallops begin. That might be a better place to stop and take a short break. I have also decided that I will definitely steam/block the doily before moving on to round 10. If I wait much longer, it's going to be bigger than my blocking tiles, and I'll have to get more, delaying the blocking. Till next time.