
Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Monsterpiece Doily: And So It Begins

After a few days of calming down and reflecting, the scissors came out. I spent some time Friday morning carefully cutting and undoing some of my tatting. The squeamish should probably look away. It isn't pretty.

It actually looks worse than it is. As you can see, I only cut out what was necessary. I saw absolutely no reason to have cut off all 3-4 affected rows. Once that was done, I began the repairs. Round 6 was easy to do, and was done before I had to go to work in the afternoon.

I don't know if it is obvious in the photo but the now correct section makes an immediate difference in the doily. It may be a bit premature, but I might not need to worry about blocking it after round 9 is done after all. I finished fixing round 7 today after work, though most of it was tatted Friday evening.

No major issues with this round. I think the only problem with this repair work is that I will have several extra threads that will need to be sewn in. I have managed to hide most of them but not all could be hidden with magic threads/tatting over.

Since I'm about halfway done the repair of round 8, I will try to post a quick update tomorrow. I should have it done by then. Then I just have to retat the part of round 9 I cut off. After that, I'll decide if I will take a break before starting round 10. Since blocking may not be needed more, and, despite this setback, I'm still enjoying the tatting right now, I don't feel the need for a break. Till next time.


  1. That's looking much better already Jeff. You'll soon be on the way again. I admire your tenacity.

  2. I'm glad you were able to repair the doily without having to cut out all of the rounds. I'm pretty sure I could not have repaired mine that way. Sometimes a bit of reflecting really pays off!

  3. I can't look... La la la la singing.....looking away......

  4. Oh how I feel for you Jeff, so so annoying to have to make this repair. Still you persevered and can now carry on - well done.

  5. I've never attempted something as big as that doily. You are my idol!

  6. I'm so glad you were able to snip and repair rather than remove the rounds. You'll soon be moving forward again.

  7. My mind is boggled. Amazing repair!
