
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Monsterpiece Doily, Round 3

It took a little longer than anticipated, but I finished the third round of the Monsterpiece Doily. I know it might seem like I'm rushing through this doily, but I assure you I am not. I am really enjoying tatting this doily. I do plan on working on other patterns/crafts if the need arises. It's a little time consuming at the start as I am writing the pattern out in shorthand so everything is in sequence, I can keep track of changes I made, and I don't have to constantly keep checking the diagrams. I had to do this with Corona as well. Sadly, unlike Jane E, I can't really share my notes as it contains the whole pattern, or will contain the whole pattern. But I am willing to help anyone who decides to try the pattern after me.

Anyway, I finished this round this afternoon. I got called in to work this evening so I just finished it and took a photo before leaving.

I really proud of myself with this round. I remembered to put in a magic thread at both the beginning and the end. I forgot to put them in at the beginning on the first two round and only added them at the end. I am making sure my notes mention where to put the MTs in as well, um, now. You can see one end of each colour in the photo above. I will have to sew them in. Which reminds me, what size needle would be best to use for size 20 thread? I don't think I've ever hidden ends that way. I checked Jane's site, but she doesn't mention a needle size. Thread stats: the thread is Manuela no. 20 colour #a044. You'll have to check the previous post for the other rounds; I'm only going to mention thread info for the current round.

That's about it for now. The next round should go super quickly so expect another post in a few days. Till next time.


  1. Your doily is looking great and your tatting is beautiful: very even and consistent. I too started marking in patterns where to insert magic loops as I still forget and always regret it when I do! Nowadays I really prefer magic loops for getting rid of ends. If I do need to sew them in, I use "self-threading" needles, they only seem to come in one size where I get them from and they do make threading size 20 cotton onto the needle really easy.

    1. Thanks! And Thanks! I too regret adding the magic threads. I got out of practice using them, but felt such a large and magnificent project deserved to be finished properly. Jane E. recommended self-threading needles too. That could be the same reason she didn't specify a size either. I'll have to see what I can find.

  2. It's looking great! I hardly ever remember to use the magic thread. My life would be so much easier if I did. I think I use a no. 14 tapestry needle to sew my ends in.

    1. Thanks! I find they work pretty well. Usually. They do make it easy to hide ends just a bit fiddly to get them in properly. I'll see what I can find for a needle, the ones I have are too big.

  3. Your doily is looking fabulous!! :)

  4. Looking great so far! Your color combination is coming out beautifully.

    I use hand quilting needles to sew my ends in (I've never gotten a magic thread to work). I have a compact of assorted sizes; the largest size works for size 20 thread, but what that size is in numbers I have no idea.

    1. Thanks! I'm pleased with my colour combination too.

      I'll have to see what I can find. The ones I have look way too big. Magic threads to take a bit of patience to get in properly. I don't usually have problems with them. My problem is that I usually forget to add them.

  5. You are spending along. Looks good!

    I use a #28 tapestry petite, which is like Miranda's quilting needle, but I use very fine threads. I could never get the hang of the magic thread trick either.

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty sure I'll be slowing down soon. I do have another project to get finished too.

      I'll have to see what I can find. I'm sure the needles I have are way too big.

  6. It's looking good so far, I used size 12 taperstry needle to see in my ends

    1. Thanks! I'll have to see what I can find. I've gotten a general size now thanks to all of you.

  7. It is fun to see this doily grow and I do that too (write the numbers down and even a little diagram too ) I think it is nice that he lists a couple of different styles of stitch count but that confuses me too. I use tapestry needles, because they have blunt end at point, and this helps not to go through the thread, but beside it, and the size changes according to what ever thread size you use.

    1. It is fun to see it grow. I find it most confusing that the numbers are all over the place on the diagram. Makes it hard to memorize the pattern. I'll see what I can find for needles. Thanks.

  8. Jeff, I hope you don't mind me following your color combination (pointing back to you too when I do blog/post it online). I just love it and I do have those colors in size 10 DMC Cordonnet thread. Yes, I plan to use the thicker thread since my eyes are really going downhill.

    1. Of course I don't mind Zarina. I borrowed some of Jane's colours for my own and where she changes colours in the pattern. I love the colour combination too. Jan uses size 10 for most of his designs, so it'll be awesome when it's done.
