
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Corona Doily Rounds 8 & 9

You know, posting regularly gets easier every time.  Like Diane, I am finding I am tatting more often so I have something to blog about. Days off help too. I'm surprised at how much I have gotten done over the last few days, tatting wise anyway. I did manage to get other stuff done too. I have tomorrow off as well; I had to work last Sunday, so my long weekend is this weekend. Anyway, I managed to get not one, but two rows completed on the Corona Doily. Yes, you heard me correctly!

Here is the doily with round 8 completed. Yeah, I know, it probably doesn't look like anything new was added. There is, in fact, a round of just chains tatted since last time.

Now it looks different! Somewhat. Round 9 has been completed here. Nothing to report about these two rounds. They both went pretty quickly. In fact I had more than half of round 8 completed by the time I went to bed the same day I post about round 7. I figured I'd keep going onto round 9 instead of doing another post. Hope nobody minds! And again, as a reminder this is Manuela no. 20 thread in colour number A058.

That's it for now. I started working on round 10, which is the final round for the doily. I haven't made a full repeat yet, but since I'm going to watch a movie yet tonight, I hope to get several repeats completed before bed. Till next time.


  1. Das wird ein sehr schönes Deckchen!

  2. It's looking great! I had no time for tatting yesterday, but I hope to make up for it today. Years ago I read 10, 20, 30 Minutes to Sew by Nancy Zieman. I liked her idea of setting smaller goals so that more could be achieved. By allowing myself to work with small time increments, I accomplish so much more than if I wait for a free day!

    1. Thanks Diane. That is a very good idea. This doily would work well using that approach. There were definitely days all I managed to tat was a single triangle motif. I am trying to get a little bit of tatting time in every day. I'll have to try this with the Masterpiece doily.

  3. This is very beautiful, loving the design and this last row is especially nice!

    1. Thanks! The final round really ties it all together. I can't wait to share a picture.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks. I don't think I'm tatting that quickly. I'm just inspired to tat right now. I can't wait to get this project finished so I can start my next one.

  5. Your doily is fabulous already!! :)

  6. It's usually the first step that is the hardest. For me, now I only update on Instagram and FaceBook. Most of my would-be customers are there.
