
Monday, July 8, 2013

Still Tatting

Yeah, I'm still here. I just haven't been inspired to tat anything lately. At least until last week. I am waiting for some yarn and wire for a crochet project I've been wanting to do. This is going to be a fairly short post. I just want to do a quick teaser post. I'm actually almost done, then I have another idea I want to try. Before I forget, my German Triangle Motif Doily was featured in a blog post at Ancora Crafts. The post in question is here.

As I said above, I haven't felt like tatting until early last week. An idea came last Monday evening and I just had to start working on it. I managed to tat the following by the end of last Tuesday:

The thread looks kinda creamy in the photo, but I used white. The next part needed red thread. I now I have some, but I couldn't find it. I still can't. I went out, figuring I could easily buy another ball. Boy, was I wrong. Apparently, I forgot how hard it is to find size 20 thread in any colour besides white and ecru, after being able to buy Lizbeth (and Flora) easily online. I ended up buying some size 8 perle cotton that worked out pretty well, as well as some size 5 perle cotton from my Temari thread stash when I found that I needed a thicker thread in a matching red. Sorry, I'm not sharing a photo of the result yet. Feel free to make a guess though. If you dare.

I was going to share the third part of my mystery idea, but I'm pretty sure it will give it away. So that'll have to wait until my next post. If it helps, it involves one of Frivole's patterns. So instead, I'll share a quick photo of my Industrial Piercing. So if you don't want to see it, you may leave now without fear of missing any more tatting.

The photo is from a few weeks ago. As of this Thursday, I'll have had it for almost seven weeks. It hardly hurts now, compared to when I first got it. As to why I got it, well, simply, because. I think it's a phase I'm going through. I don't think I'm finished either.

That's about it. I hope to post again either Friday or Saturday, maybe sooner.


  1. Hmmm... I'm at a total loss for guesses regarding your tatting. As for your new piercing... Ouch! I don't mind the look. It just looks very painful to me. Could be my aversion to needles and pain! ;-)

  2. Thanks for the mention, Jeff! Like your latest WIP, and that piercing looks... um... challenging.

  3. Nice Tatted ground.

    as for the piercing? Ouch! and just remember that what you do now may not be so pleasant years from now.

  4. Piercings are kinda addictive but you can always take them out when you're sick of them. I had my tongue, nose and belly pierced for many years. I loved my piercings.

  5. Victats, that's exactly what I was thinking too. If I change my mind (or come to my senses, depending on who you talk too), I can always take out the jewelry and the holes will close up.

  6. I can't think what the tatting is yet, no doubt it won't be too long before we see more.
    Your piercing oooch, I think I will just keep my one piercing for my earrings, old fashioned yes one hole has always been enough for me, but it's a look that I have not seen before, as you say if you change your mind it would close up.

  7. Some cool ideas Jeff. As far as the piercing of the ear...ouch is right, and way!!!
