
Monday, May 13, 2013

German Triangle Motif

Not sure what's happening this week; I've been tatting a fair bit lately. Not a bad thing, but I'm not sure why. Perhaps I finally got into the groove with my new work schedule. Either that, or the fact that I decided to try a different pattern is making a difference. As I mentioned in my last post, I was planning on tatting another Spinning Wheels Glass Mat in purple for my Mom. I decided against it at the last minute, and I'm glad I did.

I really like Mary Konior's design, and it's not difficult, but it isn't exactly a small motif either. OK, I know it would be a small tat for some people, but not for me. Each "arm" takes at least an hour for me to tat, probably longer. And apart from the hole in the middle, it is fairly solid; not a lot of negative space. This is where the new motif comes into play. I present to you one German Triangle Motif:

The pattern doesn't have a name. At least one that I can read. It's from Susanne Schwenke's book  Spitzen-Kreationen. The pattern is on pages 42-43 of the book. It was pretty quick for me to tat. And is quite pretty. The thread is Lizbeth size 20 colour #129 Purple Splendor. I figured I'd make six of them, all joined together, to make a medium sized doily. Now, I figured I could post every time I tatted another motif and show you how it is progressing. It would also give me a chance to post a bit more often lately. However, I've been tatting them fairly quickly. So, here are two motifs joined together:

They look kinda cool here. I finished a third motif this morning. Here's three motifs joined together:

I'm currently working on the fourth motif. It should be at least partially joined to the other three before I go to bed tonight. I'm going to going to keep working on this. I do need it finished is less than two weeks as I plan to visit my parents at the end of the month, and want it finished to give to my mom. It is part of her Mother's Day gift. Don't worry; she knows it's going to be late.

That's it for now. I'll post again soon. And I still plan on doing an orchid post too. Till next time.


  1. It's definitely very pretty! ^_^

  2. Very pretty, it's going to be lovely and I am sure your mother will be delighted with it

  3. That triangle motif is intriguing!

    I also need an hour for each arm of MK's Spinning Wheel. Several years ago, someone commented that she could complete an arm in 20 minutes. I guess that makes us incredibly slow tatters! It's not speed that counts, though... right?

  4. It's gorgeous! I love how they are coming together! Lovely color too!

  5. Intriguing how the motifs work so well at forming a larger design when joined.

  6. I am captivated by how neatly the triangles fit together, creating a new negative space.

    You have inspired me (or should I say distracted me from my other to dos?) to follow in your footsteps. I even have some variegated purple pre-wound on two shuttles...maybe it was meant to be?

    Hee, hee -- fun, fun, fun!

  7. That is really going to be a pretty doily. the motif looks good all by itself, but looks exponentially better joined to others.

  8. That's a beautiful motif!
    The title is the german title for the Brothers Grimm's fairytale "The wishing table". So I guess it's meant as a table cloth.
