
Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm Still Here!

Sorry. I guess I didn't get around to posting yet. I had a great Christmas, and New Year. The world didn't end, big surprise there. Nothing really new has happened since my last major post. As I think I mention every year, I didn't make any resolutions for this year. I do have a few things I'd like to accomplish, but if I don't, it's no big deal. The main one (and I'm sure I said it last year!) is that I really want to get a few of my tatting designs written up and diagrammed and released. Two of which I'd like to offer for sale, but we'll see; I'll probably do a separate post about them later on. I have a little tatting to share, so I'll get to that.

I, unfortunately, didn't get much tatting done while away for Christmas. I almost finished the third gecko for my shirt. I say almost 'cause I broke one thread while tying off, so I will have to redo the final chain. Shouldn't take long, I just need to do it. The one other thing I did tat was another one of Yarnplayer's Marian snowflakes.

This one came about due to a request from a commenter. Yes! I do requests if I have time/it's not too difficult. This snowflake was tatted using Lizbeth size 20 thread in colour #116 Christmas Delight. I don't think it looks too bad. I think it works.

As I said at the beginning, I haven't done much tatting, or any other art/craft thing. I did crochet a new pair of slippers while away, but that was easy and only took an hour or so. I am, however working with my aquarium a lot lately. I decided to upgrade my tank recently, and bought a larger one. I was able to get it set up for the most part yesterday. I will have to buy more plants as I don't have enough. And while I can reuse much of my equipment, I did order a new filter, which got back ordered. I have to make due with the one I currently have plus the one that came with the tank till the new one gets here. I will probably have to upgrade the carbon dioxide fertilization system as well as I don't think the one I have now is sufficient. I'll try to post a photo once I am happy with it. That's it for now. I will try to resume what I was doing before Christmas and post less, more often. We'll see if I succeed. Till next time.