
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Hallowe'en!

I hope everyone has had a Happy Hallowe'en. I had to work today, but I did get dressed up.

Arrrrrr mateys! Technically I was a generic pirate, but most people assumed I was Captain Jack Sparrows from the Pirates of the Caribbean, so I went with it. I've been meaning to post, but life (and work!) keeps getting in the way. I do plan to post on Saturday, as I know I won't be working. So I'll share what little tatting I've gotten done, and my new books, and even the HDT I bought from Jess. It's been snowing a bit here, not much and I'm hoping it melts away for a while. With it being cooler out, I actually feel inspired to start tatting snowflakes. I think this year I'm going to go through all my HDT and use up the "snowflake coloured" ones.

Till next time. Happy Hallowe'en all ye land lubbers!

PS: For anyone interested, I will be offering free shipping in my Etsy shop starting over the next few days. The coupon code on the right side bar still applies. I've also made some, um, price changes.


  1. Hiya Pirate! Good to have some fun. Happy Halloween!
    Looking forward to seeing what you'd tatted. :)

  2. Hiya, Great to see you, Nice to know what you look like and wonderful costume.
    Snow already, I hope it's melts as it seems too early for the white stuff.
    Hope you had a good Halloween

  3. Nice Get up!
    I can't get over the fact that it's already snowing! That's craziness!
