
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tatted Gecko #1, and Crocheted Tie Update

Well, I'm only a few weeks late on posting. I came down with a summer cold a few weeks ago, during which time I didn't really feel like doing much. I think I'm over it now, and I've been working on a few projects this past week. I have been tatting, which I'll share in a minute or two. I almost finished the crocheted tie. I have also been working on some chainmaille, remaking sold items and I even learned a new weave and made a bracelet using it. I'll share the new weave with you later. If the weather cooperates, I hope to get some decent photos for the shop.

I shared a preview of what I was tatting in my last post. I finished the motif in question a few days later. Here is the finished motif:

This is Karen Bickerton's Gecko, available from her shop here. I really enjoyed tatting him. I like Karen's design style of her patterns. I'm sure those of you who have seen Ginny's blog recently have seen Karen Frilled Dragons. I can't wait for the pattern to be made available in Karen's shop. I am currently tatting another Gecko using the same thread. I am planning on sewing several Geckos, at least three, on to a dark green t-shirt. Two are going to me made with size 20 thread, the third in size 40-if I can manage it. I seem to be out of practice using finer thread. I tat too tightly and constantly snapped the thread the last time I used size 40 thread. Thread stats: Lizbeth size 20, colour #167 Jungle Greens.

Here is a quick update on the crocheted tie:

As you can see, the basic tie has been crocheted. And it can even be tied like a real tie. Just to clarify the type of cord I used, the company I purchased the cord from calls it "Bugtail". The label on the spool calls it 1mm Rattail. I have a few ends to deal with (easy since it's crochet) then it's technically done. While tying the tie, it did find it did stretch a fair bit. I think it needs a round of crochet on the outer edge to reduce the stretch. I'm thinking that I'll use a heavy cotton thread instead of nylon, for the outer round. Once that's done, I'll have to block and possible iron it. I'll share once it's done.

That's about it for now. I'm going to focus on tatting Gecko's for the rest of the week. Since it's a short work week with Labour day on Monday, I do hope to get a fair bit done on my days off. Regrettably, some housecleaning will have to be done too. The horrors! Till next time.


  1. nice Gecko Jeff.
    interesting tie in that very bright color

  2. Hi Jeff

    Sorry to hear you have not been well, must make this brief as the Greek connection is not good ( holiday)
    Love the gecko he is brilliant, I must try and get this pattern as their a lot out here in Greece, would remind us of the holidays
    Great tie looks great on you
    Take care glad to see you posting again

  3. The gecko looks good in those colors. I thin the shirt will look pretty cool when you're done.

    Nice looking tie.

  4. Yu'll have to be careful to tat a bit looser then, when you get the Frilled Dragon pattern! - it's the most gorgeous pattern, I've test-tatted it, but there are a couple of rather large split rings.....thread breaks.
    I found that when I loosened just a tiny bit, it worked with no problem.
    Actually, the first one I did was size 20, and that did not snap. It's as you say, care needs to be taken with finer threads.

  5. I just love that tie ! you have to make me one :D
    Korekcija Obrva
