
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Paracord Bracelets, Tatting Shuttles, and a Tatted Bookmark

I'm back. I guess it took me longer to decide what to tat than I thought it would. And surprisingly, most of the tatting was done today. I'm sure some of you are aware that a journalist was looking to talk to young tatters, 30 or younger. My name and email address was forwarded to her and she made contact this morning. While hesitant, I gave her my phone number and began waiting. I worked on a bookmark I started over a week ago. She called and we had a really nice chat. I was quite refreshed to hear that she didn't think tatting was just for women. I won't go into much detail. It will probably be 2-3 weeks before the article is published. After talking to the journalist, I continued working on the bookmark. I guess talking about tatting inspired me to tat.

Before I get to the tatting (you knew this was coming), I'm going quickly show you what else I've been working on. As I mentioned in my last post, I found a couple of ebooks on iTunes that were about "Manly" crafts. One of the crafts that inspired me were bracelets made out of paracord, which is a shortened name for parachute cord or 550 cord.

I've only made two of them right now. The two-toned blue one is a little too small for me while the camo patterned one fits about right. Due to the way they are made, sizing is a bit difficult. I only purchased a few colours of cord, though I do plan of purchasing a few more. I had thought of putting a few up for sale in my Etsy shop, but I'm not sure if they'd sell. I haven't been brave enough to see how many other paracord bracelets are currently for sale, and I'm not sure I want to. I would like to make a belt for myself using a double wide version of the pattern used for the bracelets. If anyone is interested by all means leave a comment, I may be persuaded to list some in my shop. Or we could work something out privately. I'm not sure how much paracord related things you will see from me. Although, the cord can be tatted with, in case you're wondering. I had to try.

Several weeks ago, I purchased a pair of Pop-a-Bobbin shuttles "direct from the source", ie: from Sally. I bought them unfinished as I had a plan. Here is the before shot:

They're both pear wood, as you can see. I'm about half done with them right now. I have to pick up some supplies tomorrow that I forgot to get earlier. You'll have to wait until they're done to see them. I'm not telling you exactly what I did to them yet. I will say that Diane may be interested. Oops! I may have said too much.

Finally, what you all are waiting for: the bit of tatting I managed to do. Here it is:

This is "Jane's Bookmark" designed by Jane from South Africa. I'm not sure if the pattern has a name, so I named it. It was pretty quick to tat. As I'm not a big fan of tassels (though I don't mind them on bookmarks), I chose to end it with a lock stitch chain followed by a short section of the pattern. The thread is Lizbeth size 20, colour #606 Charcoal. I will have to tat this pattern again. Now that I'm done the bookmark, I'm back to not knowing what I will tat next. I have several WIPs that I should work on and a "WannaTat" list as long as my arm and then some. I probably won't start anything tonight as bedtime is nearing.

That's it for now. Hopefully I'll get the shuttles finished and have something else tatted by next weekend. I will try and post again once the shuttles are done. I do hope they turn out as awesome as I envision them. Till next time.


  1. Nice to see your back, I am looking forward to seeing your shuttles.
    Lovely bracelets well done on trying something new.

    Nice bookmark a very manly colour, I like the tassel.


  2. Those paracord bracelets are really cool! I really like the blue one! ; )

    I am definitely interested to see what you'll be doing with those Pop-A-Bobbins!

    I love tassels, especially on bookmarks. That charcoal color is very pretty. I think I might need to add to my stash!

  3. Very pretty bookmark. i was tempted to buy that charcoal thread, but didn’t as I had never seen it. It does look very nice!

  4. I liked the design of the bookmark .The crochet design is worth appreciating.....

  5. good looking "manly" bracelets Jeff.
    if you don't post on your etsy, then no one will know that you can provide them in custom colors.

    your tatting as usual is very nice.
    and are you blinging shuttles too?

  6. So looking forward to seeing the finished shuttles. I hoped it would not be before I arrived back from holiday so waiting with anticipation!

  7. One of my favourite, quick to work up patterns, I really like your idea of adding a small section of the pattern for a tassel.

  8. J’adore la frivolité, je trouve très jolie la création de Jane bookmark, je n'arrive pas à le refaire sans le modèle serai- il possible d’avoir un schéma ? Grand merci
