
Monday, January 9, 2012


Howdy. Nothing really new to report since my last post. The weather here has been awesome. It was above zero today, again. We had rain last week. Yeah, rain. In January. In Saskatchewan. I'm not complaining, but it is kinda weird. We still have hardly any snow, though I'm sure that will change. Here is a quick view of the front yard, taken today:

We just need some palm trees here and there and I could pretend I'm somewhere warm and tropical that is experiencing some snow. This is actually how I prefer winter, but I'm sure all the farmers and other people won't agree. Anyway, I have been working on some chainmaille pieces that I hope to get listed soon. Soon being when I can get the chance to rephotograph the ones that didn't turn out today. I really need to get some sort of setup to take decent shots indoors. I have also been tatting lately too.

I was going through my "Tatting Folder" on my computer. I wanted to tat and wanted a pattern that was new. I picked one of Jane Eborall's that I found some time ago, but hadn't gotten around to tatting yet. And here it is:

This is Nathan's Shark. I made the white one first, tatted with Lizbeth size 20 in, uh, white #601. The bottom shark was my second attempt at the pattern. I didn't really have any major problems with the pattern. I made the white shark's teeth too small. The grey shark is made with Lizbeth size 20, colour #605. It was pretty quick to tat; I made the white one and started the grey one in a single evening. The white one was mostly done during the course of an average length movie.

That's about it for now. I will be starting a new pattern from Linda Davies tonight. You may have seen it already. That's the plan anyway. Before I forget, I bought a new Pop-a-Bobbin shuttle this weekend. I'm hoping it will get here in time for my birthday near the end of the month. We'll see how the tatting goes over the next few evenings. I may try and post again later this week. Till next time.


  1. It's really funny weather this winter, isn't it? We've had about a foot of snow, but it's compacted in the warm weather. I like it much better than 10' of snow and -30C!
    Nice sharks!

  2. Another Canadian comment coming up:

    It is actually very unsettling to see your photo... Saskatchewan in January? Yikes!

    Though I am happy as a runner and a person who permit parks overnight on a city street, I look out my window at the happy squirrels, looking very fat, sassy and spring-like, and I wonder about what is happening out there in Mother Nature's territories...

    Gotta love the warm weather ....but....
    Fox : O

  3. Nice Sharks.

    Here in North Dakota, we have less snow then you. the temp yesterday was 50 (F) and as of right now, 11:30 am, it is 46(F). it is supposed to start getting colder the end of this week.

    this is the first time in 5 years we had a brown Christmas, the temps have set records going back to the late 1800's in Fargo when they first started to keep records. My brother lives in MInneapolis, and stated that when he got home from work last evening, his neighbor was out washing his car.

    we usually have had several -30s by this time, and generally several feet of snow.

    It has been a strange winter, makes you wonder what is in store for us, the rest of winter and beginning of spring.

  4. Hi Jeff,

    Here in UK, I am in the west country we are having a very mild winter, scotland has had snow and gallons of rain. Its been a windy winter with a lot a heavy wind. I know you get snow in the winter we have friends in Calagy.
    At least the winter hopefully will be shorter now as hopefully spring is around the corner.

    I love you sharks they look lovely well done

  5. Apparently someone from the USA has already received their shuttles, so may be by now you have. The sharks are really lovely, must try that pattern especially as it is named after my nephew!
