
Sunday, November 14, 2010

What a Week....And I'm Glad It's Over

You know, I think the scientists of the world should seriously look into making teleportation a reality. I mean, traveling would be much less of a hassle. And for those of us with winters with snow and ice, we would no longer have to worry about, oh I don't know, say hitting said ice and ultimately rolling our trucks. Yeah. You heard me right, unfortunately. It happened when I was coming back to the city on Tuesday. I'm fine physically, hardly a scratch on me. Mentally, I'm a wreck. Still in disbelief, numb (still mentally), upset, mad, a little scared, dreaming of the accident at night, I could go on. I'm currently playing phone tag with our insurance company (its a government agency, and they don't work weekends, apparently), and hoping this will be behind me soon. I keep wishing that this is some horrible dream and anytime now I'll wake up. Everyday that passes makes me think that's not going to happen.

I've been wanting to post for a few days now, and I have been unsure if I should even mention this whole thing. I'm hoping it will help. In the mean time, I managed to get caught up on reading blogs. I haven't felt like commenting, but I did read many of your blogs.  I finally sat down last night and picked up my tatting shuttles for the first time since Monday (I packed Tuesday morning, so no tatting before leaving). I finished the motif in question this afternoon. I'll post again in a day or two to show what I tatted while away, and what I have done since. Till next time.


  1. Any accident is a frightening experience. I'm glad you weren't hurt.

  2. Oh Heavens Jeff, what a terrible thing. I am so glad that you are alright. as a first responder with an ambulance squad, I have seen enough roll overs. I am so glad that you are alright. best of luck with your ins co. it never seem like they should be a bother, we pay premiums so they should be on our side right? HA! just out for the buck and they really don't care about their customers. best of luck.

  3. The good news is you're okay, physically at least. Relax, tat, have a beer and know we're all sending good wishes.

  4. I am glad that you are okay. Picking up your shuttles and tatting is a good way to de-stress. I know it helps to calm me down if I am upset about something.

  5. I'm so glad you're OK. Like Jeanne, I've seen enough rollover victims to know how bad it could have been. It's totally understandable that you're still freaked out; it had to have been a terrifying experience. Just try to do some therapeutic tatting, and best of luck with the insurance company.

  6. I'm so glad that you are allright and that you weren't hurt. Enjoy doing some of your tatting to bring down your stress levels!!!!!!

  7. So pleased you weren't physically hurt. Keep smiling.

  8. So pleased you were not hurt, cars can be replaced, humans cannot. I hope the bad dreams of the accident will end when everything gets sorted out. looking forward to seeing your tatting. Margaret

  9. I'm very happy your not physically hurt. You need to allow yourself time this time to heal mentally. Keep Smiling.

  10. So glad to know that you weren't hurt... or worse *gasp*!!

    Hope your truck isn't too banged up!

    Glad to see you back online though.. had been wondering how things were going - now we know!

  11. Road accidents are just so awful, not only because you are shaken up but then sorting out the insurance keeps reminding you of the disaster, when you just want to forget it. Hang on in there Jeff (with a 'J' - sorry about before!) and yes tat and drink beer, but stay at home whilst doing it!!!

  12. Keep tatting.... So glad you are still with us!
    ♥ Fox : )

  13. Glad you are ok. I rolled my van a few years ago completely crushed the roof...where my head had been. No injuries but it will take a wee bit of time for you to settle down in your head. hang in!

  14. I'm going to be a mother hen feel fine because you are in shock. Its not uncommon for a patient to tell me they're fine and then 2-3 weeks later they're in incredible pain. Soft tissue injuries take time to show up. I hope you're right but take it easy for the next few weeks. IF you start to get stiff or sore then start icing. 20 minutes through a cloth NO HEAT!!!! After that get treatment.
    If you need anything or have any questions please ask.

  15. Well, yeeeeeouch! I'm glad you came through that physically intact, at least. It's going to take a lot of time to get mentally squared away to driving again. I'm still looking over my shoulder when I drive...waiting for those crazy people who rear-end the people in front.
