
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sine Wave Star Pattern

Since it's Tuesday and was tatting, I thought about calling this post Tatting Beer Tuesday since I don't really like tea and happened to be drinking a beer while tatting, but a) it doesn't have the same ring as Tatting Tea Tuesday and b) might be a bit disrespectful to the people who participate in TTT (??) so I won't. I haven't done much this past week, so I will get to the point of this post.

I have finally finished the pattern for the star in my previous post. I am glad so many people liked it. You can find the pattern here. I also have the link posted on the top of the right sidebar. I've changed my usage policies starting with this star (it also applies to the bookmark, but I can't change the files everyone has downloaded). You can tat as many stars (or bookmarks) as you want for gifts or to sell. If you choose to sell the tatted items, please credit me as the designer. You may not, however, sell or reproduce the pattern I am providing to you. Email me if you want to use the pattern for teaching or classroom purposes. Hopefully this is fair for everyone. If you have any problems with the PDF files, or with the pattern itself, feel free to contact me at jwh4000ATgmailDOTcom. Remove the AT and the DOT and replace with the appropriate symbols. And as always, I'd love to see any completed stars, so feel free to blog about them.

That's it for now. I am working on another design that came about due to the bookmark. But, it's morphed quite a bit from my original diagram. In a good way. I may put this one aside and tat something else. I am getting a bit tired with the sine wave pattern. But don't worry, I won't abandon the ideas I still have. I think they will be pretty cool once done. Till next time.


  1. Thank you, Jeff. I appreciate your generosity in sharing your design. It's a lovely star! I've been sidetracked temporarily from my next Sine Wave Bookmark by some other projects, but I really enjoyed tatting it. The star is sure to be equally fun to tat.

  2. Thank you for sharing your Star Motif, I cant wait to start this one!!!

  3. That star would make a wonderful Sheriff's badge for some little kid!

    Like the way your page is looking!

  4. Love the star -- thanks for the pattern! I thing your conditions of use are reasonable and proper.

  5. thanks Jeff, another winner. Just about to tat the bookmark.

  6. Tatting Beer Tuesday - ROFL!

    Well, why not? There are tatters out there who partake of coffee and Diet Coke instead of tea.

    Do you crush the empty can (if you drink beer from a can) when you've finished drinking the contents?

    But seriously, (still grinning...) your Sine Wave Star is great! Can't wait to try it, tho' it will have to be after I get back from Tat Days.

    ♫ Leavin' (in 12 hours) on a jet plane...♫

  7. It certainly is a pity that none of the other drinks alliterate with Tatting and Tuesday quite as nicely as Tea does... I would also rather drink beer, although beer still isn't my favorite. Looking forward to trying the star.

  8. What a delightful little pattern, Jeff. Tatted it this evening.
    Katie V in Creedmoor NC katie at r-v-r dot com

  9. I found a link to your blog from Tpys tatting and I have never known a man tatting, you must be the only one in the world. thank you for sharing your lovely pattern and I have become a follower I look forward to visiting your blog again soon Margaret, somerset, UK

  10. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for the Star pattern and I wholeheartedly agree with your terms.

    It's generous of you to give permission to give or sell the completed items, and it's only respectful and fair for those of us who use the patterns to 'give credit where credit is due'!

  11. Many thanks for the star pattern..its lovely
    Joy in OZ

  12. Your welcome, everyone. I an trying to give back to the tatting community since most of the patterns I used when I first learned were free ones from the 'net.

    Thanks Isdihara. I'll keep it in mind next time I'm tatting on a Tuesday while drinking beer. I do crush the can(s) for space reasons, though not with my head or anything. I'm looking forward to your reports from Tat Days.

    Thanks Margaret, and welcome. I know of at least a dozen other male tatters (and there must be many more out there). Male tatters are a rare breed, though.

    Thanks again Lily. I was hoping that my terms are reasonable, and I hope that they encourage more people to use them and aren't scared off or anything.

  13. Thanks for sharing the star pattern. I was inspired, and made a necklace with it. Photos posted on and if you want to see. TatsRight-Em
