
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bookmark Update, and What Else I'm Working On

First of all, sorry. I had hoped to have the bookmark pattern all ready to go for today, but it isn't. I had put the bookmark aside for a few days and planned on getting back to it. But my few days turned into a whole week. I decided to fully tat the bookmark, following my written instructions, so I could include a photo of it in said instructions. Apparently, I can't follow my own instructions, and on top of that I have a couple errors in the instructions (that I didn't notice until I tatted them), and now I have to cut out a small section and retat it. I can't include a photo with an error in it. I do have a diagram almost done. It needs a little tweaking, and it's not as good as some out there, but I think it will do. I hope to have the pattern posted by Wednesday. I have opted to use the free Keep & Share service to host a PDF file.

I don't have much else tatting related. It was suggested in the comments that some of my modifications of the bookmark ends could make some interesting motifs themselves. I plan on seeing what I can come up with, since I can definitely see the shapes that were suggested. I have received some more thread, thanks to the Thread Exchange. You really need to try it, if you haven't already. Here is a quick photo:

I don't know if you can read the labels on the cards, but there is some Perlovka Perle cotton, Anchor crochet cotton size 40, some Lizbeth in size 40 (turquoise) and 20 (green and white variegate) and some Coron size 40 in two different blue variegates. Thanks ladies! I'll have fun with these. I'm actually using the turquoise Lizbeth right now. I'll have to get a ball (or two) of the colour.

Finally, I'm going to show you a teaser of what I'm working on right now. It's something I've been wanting to try for a while, but keep putting it off. Here's a mosaic of the materials I require to make them:

And here is a photo showing the next step, taking one of the Styrofoam balls (wrapped in fine yarn, not shown) and finally wrapping it in sewing thread:

Any ideas? Don't worry if you don't know what I'm making. I'll reveal all later. I am hoping to spend this afternoon (which is probably over by the time this posts) working on the black ball. I hope it looks like the one pictured in the book I'm using.

That's all for know. Keep watching my blog for the bookmark pattern. Hopefully I will be motivated to start getting my other designs (which are adding up) written up, diagrammed and shared. Till next time.


  1. I'm looking forward to the final bookmark pattern.

    As for the new project, could it be temari balls?

  2. I think you're going to make a circus clown with all those colours. The balls are his body and then you'll add a head, arms, legs etc.
    OR it could be Christmas stuff!!!! NAH, I'll go for the clown idea!!!

  3. I'm with Jane on this one! Although it could be Nah it cant.

  4. Are you starting on Temari balls? I have all the stuff to get started, have had for two years, but I haven't been brave enough to take the plunge. I can't wait to see what you create!

  5. I am totally in the dark, here! I don't even know what a Temari ball is!
    Fox : ))

  6. WOW! Now I do! Is that what you are up to? So cool, if it is!
    Fox : ))

  7. Wow Jane. That's quite an idea. One problem with it though. I can't stand clowns, always have. Good idea.

    Everyone else who guessed Temari balls would be correct. I've had most of the stuff for a few years too Diane. I really want to try them.
