
Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Little Bit Country, And a Little More Tatting

I see I'm getting back in the habit of not posting regularly. I'll have to try to post more often, again. Though, I do have enough stuff for another post later on in the week. I have a few things to show you today, but I want to do a quick update on the work "issue". I guess my letter had an effect. I have been assured that the issue(s) will be fixed. Apparently, management doesn't want me to leave, and they appreciated my hard work and dedication. Too bad they didn't mention that until I threatened to leave. I'll try not to mention work during my posts for a while.

I'm sure many of you are aware of the knitting/crochet site Ravelry. I joined about a year ago, but haven't done much with the site since. However, I have started using the site more recently. I added a few projects to my profile (there's a link to my profile on my sidebar as well, if you want to visit). One project was the Renegade Dawg hoodie I posted about earlier. The Crochet Dude himself saw the hoodie and liked how it turned out. I was also browsing patterns and found a cowboy hat I really liked. Of course the pattern was in a book, so I went looking on the Saskatoon Library's website to see if the book was available. It was, but in a different library. Last fall all the library systems in the province began to merge into one large province wide library system. Which is nice, since there are a lot more books available to us now. Anyway, the book arrived mid week, and I picked up some yarn on Friday.

So last night, with the book, yarn, and a hook in hand, as well as a few beers (hey, if Jane can have her wine, I can have my beer) I started working on the hat. With some finishing this morning, this is the result:

This is Felted Yeehaw Gentleman (my manly version of Yeehaw Lady by Dot Matthews) from Debbie Stoller's book Stitch'n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker. That's the actual name of the book. Well, actually, I think it's a series of books, websites, etc, mostly for women. Though there is supposed to be a book for men too. I'll have to look in to it. Anyway, I like the way it turned out, though it is heavy, and pretty hot too. The hat needs a band or something though as well; I'll have to see what I can do. Since I wanted to felt the hat, I used some wool yarn, Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool to be exact. It may not be noticeable to you, but the hat needs a shave and trim (well, so do I, but not till I have to go back to work; I hate shaving) since the felting process made the surface kinda fuzzy. My beard trimmer works surprisingly well for this (and for me!). I should mention, for anyone wanting to try this pattern, the book has a number of errors in it. The designer has posted corrections on her website that do help. But I still had some stitch count issues (as did others). I wouldn't recommend the pattern for beginners, despite the encouragement from the author of the book. You should have the ability to alter patterns on the fly just in case you run into problems. Now that it's made, I'm not sure how much I'll actually wear it. I have wanted a real felt cowboy hat for a while now, and plan on buying one, once I have enough money. I want to get a good, high quality hat.

Now for the tatting part of the program, er, blog post. You may remember Jon's Fold Over bookmark I posted a couple posts back. I remade it after posting last week. Here it is:
I used Lizbeth size 20 in Black for this one. I was feeling kinda dark after my last post. If you look at my first attempt and this latest one, you'll see that there's something not quite right about it. I goofed on several chains. The four large chains in the main body of the bookmark are all four double stiches and one picot too short. fortunately the error works. I also goofed on the smaller fold over part. I made four chains too long. Strangely enough, it too still works. So, I guess I made a variation of Jon's bookmark. I forgot to remove unneeded picots on this one. I'll have to make another one sometime.

I've also been working on my Tatted Tie idea. I'm currently on Version 2, since my original idea didn't quite work. I'll post about it mid week or so. That's all for now. Till next time.


  1. ??? Why the apology??? I find that offenseive. I have the Stitch n' Bitch book for knitting. It's a great book and funny too.

  2. Thanks you guys. I never thought of a chainmaille band for the hat.

    Um, cause your always censoring me, that's why, Tattingchic! This is the first Stich'n Bitch book I've read; they're not for me. I just requested the one for men, so we'll see.

    Does this mean I can post some more Naked Tatted Mermaids???

  3. Love the hat! Maybe it will be good winter wear. ; )

    I had trouble with Jon's bookmark also... not with the pattern, with my brain! The pattern is simple enough. I just managed to keep messing up my stitch count. I think it looks great in black!

  4. Hey there Cowboy! Your hat looks good! And you've been mighty productive since your "work letter". LOL! Work issues here too. Fortunately I'm close to retirement whether they want me to be or not.

  5. Thanks Diane and Gina! I think the hat would make a good winter hat, or perhaps one for the fall. We'll see. Personally, I think my errors were from me thinking about work issues. I think it looks good in black to.

    Yeah Gina, I have be quite productive. I did a fair bit of tatting to take my mind off of work. Then I guess once the issues were resolved (or promised to be resolved) relief set in and I did more tatting and crochet in celebration. You're lucky Gina! I still have a LOOOOOOONG time yet before I can retire. something to look forward to I guess. Unless I get a new job that I love.

  6. I LOVE the hat and it looks great on you! You are right about the adaptations you made to the bookmark pattern, they WORK just fine.

  7. That hat is the summer at least. Maybe you need matching cowboy boots?
