
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Windmills Doily, Round 2

I was hoping to post this yesterday, but I felt really bad when I came home from work. I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day; had a heck of a time falling asleep last night though....

Anyway, here is the Windmills doily, with it's completed second round:

A quick note: I am assembling the motifs into a round doily, they could be arranged in a variety of other shapes. The doily is not finished; ie: a few ends need to be sewn in, others need to be clipped, and it's not washed/blocked. In case you're wondering, there are now 19 motifs making up this doily. It currently measures about 10 1/2 inches in diameter (measured on the diagonal, that's five motifs wide). I think this is the largest tatted item I have made so far. And I don't think I'm done. I really want to make one more round. I'm going to put it aside for a while; next time I'm at my parent's, I'm going to have to do a test fit. Mind you, there is another reason I put aside for a while. I'm almost out of thread. Let me rephrase that. I'm almost out of the DMC Cordonnet size 20 thread that I used. I've got enough other thread to last me a lifetime or two (but who doesn't). I'll do an update on the doily if/when I decide to tat a third round. If I don't make the third round, I still need to do the edging, and to block it. And I show it again.

That's it for now. Hopefully, I'll have something to show for the next post. Till next time.


  1. Wow, that would make one heck of a tablecloth! I wonder what it looks like in size 10. It would make you dizzy looking at it while you were trying to eat if it was a table cloth, but it would still be cool to look at! I look forward to seeing your finished doily! :)
    Happy Tatting!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  2. Size 10?! Doh! (Smacks hand to forehead)I never thought to do it in size 10 thread. I might not need to make a third round. I'll have to try making the motif in size 10 now to see how big it would be.

    A tablecloth would look awesome in this pattern. The dizzyness during dinner might be a problem though. Thanks for stopping by Chiclet.

  3. That is amazing! Congrats on finishing Round 2.

    I agree, it would be crazy on the dinner table.

  4. When you squint your eyes you can see the caning(weaving) effect the closed chains make in the pattern. NICE!!!!

  5. These motifs look stunning put together like that! Great job!

  6. Looks Great! The cool thing about larger peices is that they become more of a textile. You can feel the heft and sturdiness of the knots.

  7. The windmills look intricate amd beautiful! Awesome work.

  8. That is so cool! Squint to see the caning effect?? I didn't have to squint, you think Tatman has eye trouble? Maybe you should frame this instead of put it on a table - it would really draw the eyes!
