
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Magic Moments & Jasmine

I'm still here. And I have been tatting. Mostly. An early October snow brought on a bout of crochet; but that has mostly disappeared, along with the snow. For now. In case you're wondering, I started another sweater from the Crochet Dude's book, using an Alpaca/Acrylic blend bulky yarn that I have been hoarding all summer.

Onwards to the tatting. I have a number of projects in progress but I'm only going to show one right now. I made my mom a bunch of earrings for her birthday, but I'll make a separate post for them. Another project is a bookmark exchange, but I obviously can't show that yet. So I'll move on to the snowflake.

As the title suggests, I tatted another of Jon's Magic Moments snowflakes. Here it is:

Ain't it perdy? What was that? No, this isn't the same one I made before. See for yourself:

See? The new one is on the left, and the one I made before is on the right. I guess I should explain. The new snowflake (the one on the left) was made using Lizbeth size 40 thread while the one on the right was made with size 20 Lizbeth. Both were made using colour #116 Christmas Delight. I think I mentioned it before, but I'll say it again: I love this colourway! I guess its because I really like the traditional Christmas colours and that brings thoughts of a traditional Christmas. But its too early (in my mind anyways) to go into too much detail about Christmas right now (I'll save my rant of Christmas vs. Holiday for another time). Anyway, I noticed that Jon has another new snowflake pattern on her pattern blog and I want to make that one as well.

Finally, the title also suggests something about Jasmine. I am, of course, referring to the plant. About a month ago, I bought a Jasmine plant while I was at the Home Depot. The plant I bought wasn't in flower, though it did have a lot of dried out buds attached to the plant. Here is a photo of the plant a few days ago:

You can see quite a few developing buds on the plant. And several buds opened as well, see here:

As you might imagine, the fragrance is absolutely magnificent. I can't describe it. And it's strong; a single flower fills an entire room with its perfume. Since the plant was simply labeled 'Jasmine', I did some research on a proper ID for the plant. From what I can find out (and this is based mainly on the flowers), I believe this particular Jasmine is Jasminum sambac 'Maid of Orleans'. But, if I'm wrong about the ID, the plant's fragrance is still heavenly.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for the "Earring Post", coming soon. Later.


  1. 'Maid of Orleans' would be my guess too, though I'm not really a jasmine expert. We did sell a plant that looked more or less exactly like this under that name, though, where I used to work.

  2. I love Jon's pattern! Thanks for showing it in two different sizes. I'm thinking of buying some size 40, and I wasn't sure how much of a difference it would make. Now I know!

  3. I'm so jealous of your green thumb! I kill any plant that my cat doesn't get to first. That is a seriously gorgeous flower, and I think someone should try to render it in tatting.

  4. I'm sorry I missed the post about your grandmother's passing. My condolences - and I know you'll come up with a beautiful and fitting design as a memorial.

  5. Your snowflakes really do look Christmasy, I wouldn't have thought that I would like that colourway...but it looks great.
