
Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm Back!!! Did you miss me?

Well, I'm back from my short break. It was great, and was something I really needed. There's nothing like spending a long weekend in the country to refresh ones mind and body. But I should keep moving-this is a tatting post. I know, shocking, isn't it?

I did manage to do some tatting while away. Oddly enough, I ended up tatting snowflakes. The first snowflake is from Mary Konior's book, Tatting with Visual Patterns. This is, in my opinion, a must have book for all tatters, but I recommend you buy it from one of the tatting suppliers out there. You'll get it much cheaper than some of the online book stores (not naming names here!).

This is Ring A Ring 'O Roses Snowflake. I've never used Onion Rings in a pattern before (I'm not sure these are true Onion Rings, but they look like it, which is all I care about). The snowflake is quite pretty, though it did seem to take a while to tat. I used DMC Cordonnet size 30 thread to make this snowflake. It meaures about 3 1/2 inches tip to tip. This will be #24 of my second 25 Motif Challenge.

The next snowflake is one that you've all seen before. It comes from the creative mind of Jon Yusoff.

This is Magic Moments. I love this snowflake. I found the snowflake tatted up quite quickly (much faster than the previous snowflake). For this snowflake I used Lizbeth size 20 thread in colour # 116 Christmas Delight. In this thread size the snowflake is pretty large. It measures slightly over 4 1/2 inches across. I will be making this snowflake again. Thanks Jon! This will motif # 25 of my second 25 Motif Challenge. Oh man! I finished the challenge. I haven't finished all the UFOs that I wanted. I guess I'll have to do the challenge again!

Well that's all for now. I'm going to start some test tatting tonight for Linda Davies, so you should be hearing from me soon. Later.


  1. Of course we've missed you! I'm glad you had a refreshing and relaxing weekend. Your snowflakes are gorgeous! I'll have to check out the Mary Konior pattern... I don't remember it! That is my favorite tatting book, though! Isn't Magic Moment fun to tat? I don't think I'll tire of that pattern!

  2. So glad you are refreshed from you mini break, Jeff, just in time to test tat for me! LOL
    Looks as though you put in some good tatting time on you break!
    Thanks for all your help.

  3. Missed you? You were gone? LOL! Of course you were missed. Who else is gonna tell us about glow-in-the-dark tatting thread???
    Love the motifs, especially one in the top photo.
    (Still busy with my other swap, but should be done by the end of the week-keep you finger's crossed)

  4. Hi Jeff, Welcome back.
    I received the pendant and earings yesterday in the mail. I have posted a picture on my blog

  5. Ooh, so glad you were able to squeak in some tatting time. Both of those patterns are on my "gotta tat" list so seeing yours fuels my drive to make them too.

    Wow, that Lizbeth thread in Christmas colors is vibrant and festive, everything a thread should be.

  6. I'm glad I was missed. LOL!

    You know Diane, I seemed to have missed that snowflake as well.

    Yes Linda, I did manage to get some tatting done.

    I'm sure others could tell you about glow-in-the-dark thread, but I have something else in mind right now. I can't wait Chiclet. I'm looking forward to doing this exchange.

    I'm glad you like the earrings and pendant Ladytats.

    Thanks for stopping by Isdihara. Jon's snowflake has been on my tat list for awhile now. I love the Lizbeth thread in Christmas colours too. It is very festive and vibrant.

  7. it's so cool to take a break and be able to tat, jeff. the snowflakes are gorgeous! looking to more tatting eye candy...
