
Sunday, May 31, 2009

More Tatted Earrings and a New Book

I've been meaning to post for a few days now, but it has gotten so nice out, I have too busy to post. I guess I was getting a bit impatient last time. I can't confirm it, but I think Saskatoon was the national hot spot yesterday. The mornings aren't as cool as they were a few weeks ago. In fact it, has warmed up enough at night that I kicked out all the outdoor plants. This includes several cannas, calla lilies, and blueberries.

Anyhoo, I promised some tatted earring pictures. Here is the first one:

These are (of course) Marilee's Carnival earrings done in three strands of DMC embroidery floss with gold seed beads and round goldstone beads in the centres. The colours are somewhat washed out in the picture, but the earrings looked awesome (if I do say so myself) in person. The next pair is also a Yarnplayer design:

These are Marilee's Quidrille earrings; the pattern is available from her etsy shop. These were made using Lizbeth thread in size 20, colour #20-113 Jewels, along with some silver lined crystal seed beads for some sparkle. I didn't elaborate on my assessment of Lizbeth thread. It is a firm six cord thread that tats up beautifully. I find it to be similar to Flora, though in much nice colourways. If you love Flora, you will love Lizbeth. I'll add to my review if/when I find something wrong/exceptional to write about. Both these pairs of earring were given to my mom for Mother's Day, along with some other tatted/chain maille items. She loved them. I won't count this in the 25 Motif Challenge. I've made several Carnival earrings that I have counted already.

Finally, I mentioned a new book. Well, new to me. The book was published in 1946. Here is a photo of the cover:

I bought this booklet a few weeks ago at the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra Book Sale. There are a number of interesting patterns inside. As I mentioned, it was published in 1946, so I can't scan it to share yet. But don't worry, many of the doily patterns have been republished in other books, such as Traditional Tatting Patterns editted by Rita Weiss. If you have this book and perhaps some of the other Dover books, you have most of the patterns. I bought the book primarily for the edging patterns. No, really. I don't tat edgings, but I really liked some of them. I hope to turn some of them into bookmarks. When I have time.

That's it for now. I'll post again soon. I've made a few chain maille pieces lately that I would like to show. I'll leave you with a pretty plant picture. I'll tell you about it in the next post.


  1. Nice earrings, especially the top pair. That book is great, too. I found a copy at a yard sale a few years back.

    I love when you post about your plants. My personal favorites are succulents. I was bit by the gardening bug about twelve years ago. And I do know what you have there in the pic, but I won't spoil it! :)

  2. Cool earrings! What a cool book! I found some 1940's tatting booklets at an antique mall in Las Vegas a few years back! I found that most of the patterns are in "The Tatter's Treasure Chest". Great find!

    That plant is very pretty! I ha no idea what it is. I like the pinkish tint of the leaves.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Steph and Chiclet. It is a great book. It's nice to find these kinds of things.

    I'm glad you like the plant photos Steph. I like sharing them. I like succulents too, but I can't grow them. I'm not keeping the plant a secret, but let's hope you're right.

    Sound like you had a great find too, Chiclet! I have mixed feelings about the plant turning pink. I'll explain why later.

  4. The earrings are beautiful, as usual. I'm sure your mom is the has the best earring collection in Canada! That book does look interesting. Have fun. Glad your weather is better and the plants got to go outside. That is always a wonderful day!

  5. the earrings look fabulous! i really like the first pair. hey the book looks interesting. do show what you tat from it. :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by Laura and Valerie. I think my mom would agree with you Laura. I'm glad the plants are outside.

    Valerie, I will post whatever I make from the book. Thanks for the compliments about the earrings.

  7. It looks like you used gold metallic floss for the top pair of earrings - the enlarged photo really shows the shine! Fantastic work, as always!
