
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spinning Wheel Mat Complete (It's about time!)

I finally finished the Spinning Wheel Mat that I showed towards the beginning of April. I finished it last week, but I just haven't felt like posting. I did make one mistake on it, but it isn't important enough to say anything else.

This is a much better scan than the preview one I did earlier. I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier but the thread I used is Valdani pearl cotton, size 12, colour #M13 (Americana). Like I said before, there a few intermediate colours in addition to the three main colours that are visible in this scan. I'm going to have to make more of these; I really want to make the pattern again in size 80 thread. Probably won't be HDT since the only HDT I have is Yarnplayer's Fern (I think), and I'm not a big fan of green unless it is on (or is it in?) a plant. Perhaps I will try some King Tut thread. Out of curiosity, does anyone know how big a Spinning Wheel mat would be made in size 80 thread?

I finally purchased Marilee's (AKA Yarnplayer) book, "Boutique Tatting". The designs are pretty awesome. I will have to make a few of them once I get a few other things finished. I also purchased a skein of her "Cobalt" thread from Marilee at the same time, and she sent a sample skein of "Soft Blues" thread. How did you know that I would like that thread! Thanks Marilee. Oh, and I finally bit the bullet and ordered some of that Lizbeth thread that everyone seems to be using lately. It had better be good thread; I ordered nine balls of it. To make the order worth while, I HAD to order other stuff! I'll maybe show what I got once it gets here, which hopefully will be at the end of the week. And finally, I "discovered" a new art that I just had to try, which has eaten up some of my tatting time. I tell you about it next time (and I'll show some photos as well). Till next time.


  1. nice spinning wheel mat! the colours do really feel american! are you hooked to making this mat like diane (the lace lovin' librarian) is? LOL i should try to tat one to see why it's so addictive.

  2. I love the way this turned out, Jeff! I hope you like the Lizbeth thread. HDT is still my favorite, but Lizbeth certainly has its place in my tatting world!

  3. OHHH! Very Pretty! This is a very popular doily to tat. I have seen quite a few of this pattern tatted lately. Have a great day!

  4. Hi Jeff,

    Nice spinning wheel. I want to make one again sometime, esp. after seeing everyone's beautiful ones.

    I'm trying to remember how big the one was that I did. I have a picture of it next to a paper clip. I'm guessing it is a big paper clip, because my recollection is that the doily was around 3" in diameter. Here's a link to the picture. It was with quilting thread, but not King Tut. I'll have to try it with the King Tut.

    Happy Tatting,

  5. The mat looks great!

    You have my curiosity up, wondering what art you have 'discovered'. I'll be checking back to find out.

  6. Very nice Spinning Wheel Mat. I'm anxious to hear more of your "new art".

  7. Nice mat. You will love Marilee's book! She has some fabulous patterns in there! :)
