
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Golden Celtic Snowflake & Beaded Christmas Tree Earrings

I redid Ruth's Celtic snowflake recently. I really like this version:

Sparkly, isn't it? For this snowflake I used Oren Bayan Metallic thread in Gold (#032). I love this metallic thread. I have tried many metallic threads over the years and this one is by far the best. This particular snowflake was tatted for someone very special and will be mailed to them today (hopefully). Who is this special person? I won't say, but I'm sure we will all hear about it when they get it. This is motif # 19 of my Second 25 Motif Challenge.

Finally, I am going to show another gift I made my mom for this past Christmas.

I thought these earrings were really cool and figured my mom would love them. I got the idea from my favourite bead store, Beadfx. While they don't have step by step instructions on how to make them, this page will give you a general idea. They aren't hard, actually. Here is a much better photo of them;

The top bead is a bit too big, but I used what I had. Well, that's it for now. I am working on another tatted project which should be complete by tonight. I'll post a picture of the completed motif in a day or so. Later.


  1. I don't think I have that particular gold thread. I'll have to watch for it. I think this one should go on the top of the tree! Love the earrings too! has lots of free lessons and techniques as well as designs.

  2. The snowflake is beautiful in gold, and I love the earrings!

  3. Oh, your mother is such a lucky lady having such a talented and generous son making her all those lovely earrings and ornaments etc.
    The snowflake is very pretty, I still have not tried tatting with metallic threads, I am probably too scared to try it out.
    Your work is awesome.

  4. The golden snowflake is beautiful! Who ever receives this should be very happy. The earrings are lovely too. Your mom is a lucky lady.

  5. Your snowflake is lovely. That thread looks very nice. I'm wanting to tat with that, now! I'll be looking forward to reading about whoever receives it. That is nice of you to share it with the lucky recipient! :)
    Those earrings are very pretty! What a lucky Mom!

  6. Thanks for the kind comments everyone. I really appreciate them.

    Thanks for the link Gina. I'll have to check it out.

    Sometimes I think I spoil my mom. LOL!

  7. the golden snowflake feels even more christmas-y. good job, jeff.

    pretty christmas tree earrings. it's the thought that counts.
