
Thursday, May 15, 2008

I've Been Tatting

First off, I want to show a design that I have been thinking about making for awhile now. I won't tell you what it is for a few days yet (I need to make a few more). I'm pretty sure there isn't a tatted version yet.

Hopefully it isn't too obvious what it is. But you're welcome to make guesses it you want (I won't tell what it is but it would be fun to see if anyone can guess). I also have a couple new tatting books. I received Sharon's book "Transitions In Tatting" and Rozella Linden's (AKA Ruth Perry) newest Celtic tatting book "Celtic Tatting: A Design Journey on an Ancient Theme". I have lots of things picked out to make. Now, if only I could find more time (unfortunately I have to work over the upcoming long weekend, so it may be next week before I get more serious tatting done).

I also have Motif # 18 for the 25 Motif Challenge finished.

This is Ruth Perry's Celtic Daffodil. This flower has a total of nine Celtic knots, consisting of two different types. If you are interested in the flower, you can contact Ruth directly (her blog may have contact info, otherwise leave me a comment and I'll send you her email address). I tatted the daffodil in size 20 Flora in colour # 204 (I think). This was given to my Mom for Mother's Day (I remembered to take a picture!).

Oh, I also have an update on "It". I remade It and I am more pleased with how It turned out. I still have more work on it before I will reveal more information about It.

It is still pretty unrecognizable at this point, but once I add some features to It, it will be much easier to identify It. I think that's all for now. Hopefully I will post again in a few days.


  1. Your daffodil is gorgeous! My guesses for your mystery motif... a hedgehog? a porcupine? a dandelion? a zinnia? a gerber daisy? Maybe these aren't good guesses, but they're what popped into my head!

  2. Your green mohawk, daffodil and "it" are all lovely. Thanks for sharing sooooo much info about "it" and the green mohawk...ahem....LOL

  3. Thanks Diane and TattingChic. All good guesses Diane, but no, it's not anyone of them. I'm not sure anyone can guess what it is.

    Green Mohawk? LOL. Never thought of that TattingChic. It's killing me to knot tell you. I even came up with a real witty name for it. But I need to make a few more for effect. I'm not giving "It" a name yet until I am happy with it's progress (I hit a designing wall while working on it).

  4. Love the daffodil! I'll guess dinasaur...but since you said we'll never guess, I will look forward to seeing what it REALLY is!

  5. LOL! My first thought was hedgehog too but green? Beautiful daffodil! I would like to take a week or so and just work on Ruth's designs. I tatted some a long time ago, but what I learned out of it is that it takes some practice...and that's why I say I need a week or two. I can see you've got it down pat. Congratulations!

  6. Well done on the daffodil! I love Ruth's celtic tatting, and i have most of her celtic books, but I am so slow doing the celtic knots and somtimes, I just can't figure them out!

  7. Thanks for the kind comments Sherry, Gina. and Ellen. Its not a dinosaur either Sherry. I'm not as good at the weaving as you might think. On the final three Celtic knots in the cup of the flower, I had to weave each knot about three times to get them right. I kept making the same mistake on each one. I really like Ruth's designs as well; I have two of her books.

  8. The daffodil is absolutely lovely. It's truly a work of art. I'm excited to see what "It" is!

  9. I would like to get the design. Thank u
