
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Maltese Ring Bookmark, AKa Motif #17

Here is my next motif, #17:

This is Martha Ess's Maltese Ring bookmark from Tat Days 2007. The pattern is available on the Tat Days 2007 Pattern CD. I love Maltese Rings (MR). They look way more complicated than they are (really). For some really good instructions on making MRs, please see Martha's website. This is the third bookmark that I have made with MRs, the first two are done with a different pattern though (the pattern in on Martha's website as well). I have used Marilee's Deep Ocean in size 30, and Cebelia size 30 in colour # 797. I reversed the colours. I had wanted to have the outer chains in Deep Ocean. Oh well, I'll have to make another one. I haven't had time to do much tatting this week. It's been busy at work, and it feels like I have been living there for the past week.

I went to one of the local greenhouses earlier this week. I went specifically for clear orchid pots. How many of you will believe me if I said that is all I bought? I thought so. You're right, besides the pots, I bought a philodendron (type unknown), a creeping fig, a dwarf banana (who wants to bet that I will manage to kill this one, just like the other 2), a Rabbits foot fern, Canna 'Black Knight', and another orchid. I'll post pictures later. I also went to Michaels (it was on the way to the greenhouse, honest!). There I did only buy what I had intended, eight balls of Lion Brand Homespun. I have been waiting for this yarn to go on sale for awhile. Here, the yarn is regularly $6.99 a ball, and it was one sale for $3.99 a ball. This yarn is for an afghan I have been dying to make. Now, I just have to find the time.


  1. Hi I hope this is you Jeff. To let you know Karey has a new booklet of her four dragon patterns in it. They are the same ones pictured on her blog. Her url for her blog is
    I think if you leave her a comment on her blog she can tell you how to get the booklet from her. Thank you for your compliments by the way of my dragon and Hector pictures. Thanks for looking at my blog. You can write to me any time. I see that you also made Martha's Maltese bookmark. I had the pleasure of taxiing Martha from Canandaigua, New YOrk to Hector for the weekend. She left me with some wonderful treasure including my Tatbead that I have pictured on my blog. She was wonderful as usual.

  2. That book mark is very nicely done. Is there a place online where I can learn about Maltese Rings? My gosh there are so many techniques out there it's amazing.

  3. TattingChic, there are some really excellent Maltese Ring instructions on Martha Ess's website. Here is a direct link (i hope):

    I'll add the link to the post just in case.

    Sherry, I emailed you privately (again, I hope).

  4. Great bookmark! It's wonderful to find Homespun on sale. It makes great prayer shawls, but I'm a bit too stingy to pay full price. Congratulations on your find!

  5. Hi Jeff, your bookmark looks very nice. I know what you mean about going to the greenhouse. When my partner and I go it is impossible to walk out without buying some unusual plants or miniature orchids. The rabbits foot fern is fun to grow ours is about an 18 inch wide ball that has completely covered the basket it is growing in. Enjoy your new plants.

  6. Maltese rings are yet another thing I haven't learned yet. The photo is very clear when enlarged, and the bookmark looks very nice. I see what you mean about the thread; I do agree that the variegated would be very effective on the outside.

  7. The bookmark is lovely. I am another one who has not tried Maltese Rings. I must get to that. I know what you mean about going to the greenhouse. I have to stay out of there. All of them!

  8. Thanks for the link,Jeff. Yes, that was a direct link to the maltese ring directions. I went ahead and added a link from Martha Ess's home page (Tat's Amore) on my blog so I can find it later as there are other techniques there as well.

  9. Thanks for all the nice comments Diane, Clyde, Laura, Marilee. Those of you who haven't tried Maltese Rings should. They aren't that hard.

    Diane, I too was not willing to pay for that yarn at the regular price. Of course, that applies to many types of yarn.

    Diane, Clyde, the funny thing is I plan on going back to the same greenhouse next week; I never learn!

    Marilee, right after I finished the first MR, I realized I mixed up the threads. Since the bookmark only took a couple hours to make, making it again won't be much trouble.

    TattingChic, glad you found Martha's site useful. She also has a number of really nice free patterns.

  10. I think it is a really great choise of colours for this bookmark.

  11. I have yet to learn how to make the Maltese ring. I tried the instruction from Martha Ess' website but got confused along the way. Have not picked it up again. Looking at your bookmark, maybe I should try again, soon.

  12. Jeff, the picture of the bookmark does not look very remarkable until you zoom in on it and then you realise the actual detail. A really lovely design that the colour suits very well!

  13. Jon, please try them again. i would love to see what cool patterns you could come up using Maltese Rings.

    Linda, I know what you mean. Of course the bookmark always looks good in real life. I probably should have showed a small section of the book mark instead of the whole thing.

  14. Yay! I finally did this a month or two ago! I posted it on Instagram! Are you on Instagram, Jeff? I'm TattingChic on there, too!
